Custom Map #2355: The Easier Creeper Filled Road. By: CS Z

Started by AutoPost, September 19, 2021, 03:03:51 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2355: The Easier Creeper Filled Road

Author: CS Z
Size: 256x256


This version should be MUCH more enjoyable than the original version of the map.  I adjusted a number of parameters, added some starting ERNs, and altered the Dorothy unit to cross void and cover slightly more terrain height variance.  Completely beatable in 30 minutes vs. the 1 hour-long slogfest that the original map consisted of.

Everything really speeds up once the Firing Range is at 100% in the ERN Portal and the Dorothy units are ERN'ed.  You still have to follow the road on this map though.


Munchkin units didn't work until I quit the map and reloaded. Even then I only got them working on the redite, not the blueite.


Quote from: Deadl0ck on September 19, 2021, 08:52:19 AM
Munchkin units didn't work until I quit the map and reloaded. Even then I only got them working on the redite, not the blueite.

Munchkins have a VERY limited range.  They won't build unless placed really close to the Redon/Bluite node.  You don't really need much from the Bluite node anyway - just enough to kickstart the AC.  The rest of your Bluite is better obtained via a bunch of Miners.