CW3 (Steam version) crashing shortly after the main menu appears

Started by megantheforum, August 12, 2021, 02:02:49 PM

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The vast majority of the time, when I start CW3 the main menu loads and the music starts playing, then it crashes back to desktop.
I've uninstalled/reinstalled the game, validated game files, restarted PC and immediately opened it. And it's still the same.

Very very occasionally it won't crash out for a few play sessions, and then suddenly it will start crashing again.

From the log file it looks like it's failing to load a DLL file.


From the log file it appears your graphics driver is quite old. ?


Huh, when did NVidia stop notifying me of new updates? Strange. They're from May so not that old according to GeForce Experience, but I'll update them and let you know if a few days if the game is any stabler.