Custom Map #1832: [pac] payback round 2.1.0. By: GuardianDragonlord

Started by AutoPost, June 29, 2021, 02:12:11 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1832: [pac] payback round 2.1.0

Author: GuardianDragonlord
Size: 320x200


It would be nice if there was a message explaining how the new units work, and the creeper forge seemed to not do anything and with no ui telling us how much creeeper it needs, it would seem useless


Quote from: WaddlesTNT on June 29, 2021, 03:29:39 AM
It would be nice if there was a message explaining how the new units work, and the creeper forge seemed to not do anything and with no ui telling us how much creeeper it needs, it would seem useless
currently the two new units don't have any scripts to them they're just placeholders right now for a future units. the creeper Forge is a replacement for the ern Forge instead of generates ern it generates creeper crystals for the upgrade systems and it could also extend even further having its own internal upgrade system where the crystals can be used to give you more powers. the missile base unit is an anti air system it will automatically shoot any of the aircraft nearby doors bombers and also will shoot down artillery that is coming at you it's not super effective but that one missile is powerful enough to do some damage a bomber in one hit everything else maybe a few hits.


Why bother making them placeable in this map if they aren't even functioning yet?