Custom Map #1649: Cursor-13 Version 1.0. By: TrickyCorp

Started by AutoPost, May 26, 2021, 03:23:20 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1649: Cursor-13 Version 1.0

Author: TrickyCorp
Size: 192x120


Aren't those mirrored fractal maps beautiful to look at?
When you want an explanation for something I use in my levels, or if you want to suggest something, feel free to tell me. Just don't ask/suggest things every other day please :P



These kinds of maps are interesting because they take a light touch instead of brute force.  Thankfully you can pause and quickly switch to the mirrored side, or I wouldn't know how to beat them (particularly the last 10% or so, when you're "putting out fires").