Custom Map #1647: FPS: Wandering Fields. By: Kaiden

Started by AutoPost, May 25, 2021, 07:47:34 PM

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Enjoyed the map. some great improvements!

I think a lot of people on here are only accepting a map if they can beat it on their first attempt without much challenge. Just because people have to try a strategy or two doesn't make it a bad map. I thought the very last part of the map was a bit sloggy, could have done with just a bit less creeper spawn. I got to this point and just delayed and put it on 4 times speed so I could get some more upgrades to make it less of a slog.

Loved the fortresses. Great sense of progression. Would love if there was a bit more added to them, perhaps different approach's, or a COUPLE of hallways/walls to hide certain strategic sleeper units/creeper spawners. Stuff like that. Really enjoyed them though!



Althou 2nd half of map was harsh had fun :P Make more please XD


Right on! Overall, this was a fun one!

So, your earlier maps were really difficult. You're experimenting with new elements, so damn right there's going to be a lot of trail and error! Here you've succeeded in some parts:

  • Sniper upgrades - while the auto-defence doesn't get the benefits of double-shot or extra fire-rate, swapping to sniper to take out a heavier enemy coming at you takes a lot less time than before. This, combined with the really heavy enemies from the earlier map might be an idea, but in that case you'd have to scale away a lot of other things.
  • The orb-shooting runners are confined to very specific areas! Earlier maps had the issue with the auto-defence being overloaded with targets, yet here things are a lot more manageable, with sniper-requiring enemies being more condensed into smaller areas.
  • The yellow randomly running enemies. Annoying like bees, but satisfying to swat down!
A downside might be that towards the end it started to become difficult to keep the area you've taken. Once you've taken some flip-breeder area, you go to another front, only to lose the first one. It took quite a while to be able to conquer enough for an area not to be overwhelmed again.

For those struggling:
My standard "loadout" for these maps have devolved into aut-defence, AC-breeder, mortar & cannon area, and then just weapon efficiency. For this map the orbital rain upgrade is good to have as well, for the fortified areas. Cleared this in little over an hour, first try.


Quote from: Craftyname on May 26, 2021, 03:03:24 PM
Enjoyed the map. some great improvements!

I think a lot of people on here are only accepting a map if they can beat it on their first attempt without much challenge. Just because people have to try a strategy or two doesn't make it a bad map. I thought the very last part of the map was a bit sloggy, could have done with just a bit less creeper spawn. I got to this point and just delayed and put it on 4 times speed so I could get some more upgrades to make it less of a slog.

Loved the fortresses. Great sense of progression. Would love if there was a bit more added to them, perhaps different approach's, or a COUPLE of hallways/walls to hide certain strategic sleeper units/creeper spawners. Stuff like that. Really enjoyed them though!


No-one here is expecting a map without challenge. Just a map that's not unwinnable with bad RNG, or utterly tedius to the point what's in the map can't be enjoyed.
There's a lot of good things here that can make some very hard, very fun maps... But currently they need a lot of refining, mainly to do with the sheer amount of creeper beyond the creeper limit being produced.

And something needs to be done with the warpers, possibly a smaller map or a limit on the range they can warp from their spawn + limiting their numbers per spawner.

I almost wonder if most of the mobs wouldn't benifit from an agro range for them approaching you. (and a cap while their still) Would prevent overwhelming numbers, but ALSO allow you to have harder encampments deeper in, rather then the difficulty slowly decreasing as the spawns get taken out.


Quote from: Kaiden on May 25, 2021, 08:53:02 PM
Quote from: yewstmlab on May 25, 2021, 08:50:27 PM
Stop making maps

No, I'll make maps whether you like it or not, as long as I have some new ideas.

My adivce is always the same. Don't try to please everyone or the maps will all end up being generic sameness. Make what you want to play, some will like it, some won't. Find it strange that people get angry when they don't like a map, you don't have a god goven right to enjoy them all!

I found this to be a hge challenge and so enjoyed, the end was a bit too much of a slog but the flying units were very manageable.


I didnt like this map, but with a few fixes it could b fun, it has potentiale. IMO:

- Less of those random dudes. You cant get all of them and there is just too much creeper. It's almost a fulltime job to kill them, I think 50% of those would be better.
- The fortresses. Fun concept, never got to it.
- You said "run and get 4 upgrades". That is a bad way of map making as you;'re forcing me to play as you. I didnt know that you intended that, nor do I think that is a fun way. I personally like to earn it, clear an area and that is the price.

I didnt do ity your way, not I cant ever win anymore, just oo much creeper, I simply cant outgun it.

I dont per se want it easier, just more balanced. EG the first fortress, if you rotate that 180deg you can access it from the side and conquer it. get a info stash as reward and continue. I'm used to the auto-earn-point. If you're stuck, it gradually gets easier, thats a fantastic way to make it more accessible to everyone :)


These maps just aren't fun. There is only one way to play these maps, and if you don't play the exact way the author intended you lose. I'm glad some people like this style of play. Its like solving a riddle you can't see, but for what I imagine is most people, the obfuscated way the game plays simply isn't inviting.


I enjoyed this map, but the mid game was a bit tedious, I was mainly spamming ac breeder and gradually gaining ground until I had enough to be able to take the flip breeder patches one by one. Autodefence and double-sniper massively helped.