Custom Map: Double-Edged Sword

Started by AutoPost, July 01, 2010, 11:14:29 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Double-Edged Sword

Author: mthw2vc (Spare)

The emitters can work for you or against you. What's it going to be?


Yeah... having a little trouble with this, I figured it wasn't a straight forward map.


hmmmmmmmm. not sure how to crack this one.
Despite the request for clues not to be posted, can we please have a clue?


Well your request for "no clues to be posted" had backfired quite badly. Just one person with a score and a rating of 2. Great.


Well, I wanted to know if people would like this kind of map. The result is no. Besides, it's more a proof of concept than a map I intended to be played.


So will you spill the beans now then? I would love to see how it's done.


I might release the secret to the public at some point in the future. But not now.


When you say "proof of concept" it seems what you really mean is something more like "experiment", right? A "proof of concept" is something that demonstrates that an idea or concept is viable, feasible, interesting or possible. This map doesn't prove anything :)


It proves something, if you figured out the trick on how to beat it.


I suspect that if you're not going to reveal the secret soon, everyone is going to lose interest (or has already lost interest) in this map.


Timwi its so obvious once you figure it out. I have finally figured it out and ow to complete the map.


Well, it never really reached its intended audience and it's still tough endgame. Perhaps the true puzzle lovers of CW will enjoy this map, as might someone who's looking for a challenge in figuring it out. At the end of July, I will draw my conclusion on the results of this map.


I think I am normally a "puzzle-lover" in that sense. I greatly enjoyed figuring out this map for example, which was a pretty hard puzzle. I also made a puzzle-like map myself.

However, this map is not interesting because it doesn't encourage thinking. It just sets you up for failure. I suspect that your solution may not be a solution within the normal boundary conditions of the game; you are either exploiting a bug in the game, or an undocumented feature, in both cases of which I have no chance of figuring it out except by stumbling on it by sheer luck.


I admire the effort you put into trying to get me to reveal the solution, but it shall not come. I do not exploit any undocumented features that cannot be inferred from watching normal play. This map is for those who are willing to think outside of the box and try everything that might work.


No need to admire anything. I'm not trying to get you to reveal anything. I'm just explaining why some people might not find it interesting (or at least why I don't find it interesting). I think I've tried "everything that might work" (and I think the search space is limited) and none of it worked, so I don't think the solution can be inferred from "normal play" — unless there is an element to "normal play" that I haven't figured out, which is of course entirely possible, but like I said it would require that I stumble upon it by sheer luck, which is not an interesting puzzle.