Custom Map #1573: FPS: Sleeper Dungeon. By: Kaiden

Started by AutoPost, May 17, 2021, 03:13:22 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1573: FPS: Sleeper Dungeon

Author: Kaiden
Size: 256x160



well its actualy good but i will report some bugs that happened during my playthrough
1:the sleeper mortar health bar doesn't decreases
2:it can be annoying to move in a maze,that can be more obvious if you are trying to speedrun the map.
that was all my critics now i will share my idea

if the sleeper rift lab act like in the cw3? be able to build sleep units and also move and upgrade itself,also its possible to destroy the sleep units using turrets like cannon or mortar? idk.
also here my ideas for new sleep units
1:sleep sprayer: well this is self-explanatory
2:sleep factory:it will create units like blobs that moves aroud picking resources and storing to upgrade the sleep units.example:to upgrade the unit range requires 300 bluite,to increase the units firerate requires 400 arg
3:sleeper nullifier:it takes time to charge and will shoot a beam that will hit the resoucers soucers like redon,grennar and bluite,deactivanting for 1 minute or 30 seconds
4:sleeper terp:creates mesh to make the creeper flow faster,it is the same thing in the cw3,when it run out of ammo it will self-destroy
5:sleeper micro rift:it acts like the cw3 relay,when its close to a large about of creeper it will absorb creeper and release the stored creeper to another destination ,but the first micro-rift is the input and the second one is the output.

that was all my ideas.i hope that will be added in future maps



That was a lot of fun from beginning to end.  The closed level design reminded me of the earliest FPS levels, but with all the new things that have been added since then.


really fun.
i have issues with the auto sniper, it kinda ruins the fun of having to kill towers and it makes killing blob launchers super annoying cos it keeps popping them. And reload is fast so it makes a huge creeper tower making them hard to reach with weapons, i had to hide behind corners so it would not frfe and then use the mortar...

It be cool a way to switch it off (unless is already there and i missed it)


Keep auto defense, it'd be stupid hard without it.

The last area is basically the same as the test map.  Tons of creep, and you're best to just stand at the other side of the pink wall and fire into it until it dissipates, it's just dressed up differently.

I did have an issue where when I unlocked the door to the ramp with the 3 creep guns at the top, when the door unlocked, those turrets were gone.  Otherwise I'm glad to see some of the suggestions were taken into account, the area with the removable walls and the creep towers inside were still a challenge, but not a 10min slog like last time.

I do wonder at the point of the unlock for the ramp being behind that small area that piles up with creep, it's just another stand there and fire until it goes away moment.


Huh, I really quite enjoyed it this time round ^-^
....even if I did forget about the last two mobs and die to them. Still ^-^'

If you make more like this, consider making de-crimsonator, auto-defence, and maybe things like the range upgrades unlocked from items rather then the menu, would give you a lot more control over how peeps approach the early crimson obsticles e.t.c


Enjoyable map. Excellent pacing and layout. Thanks for the map :)

Quote from: OmegaJasam on May 17, 2021, 10:26:28 PM
If you make more like this, consider making de-crimsonator, auto-defense, and maybe things like the range upgrades unlocked from items rather then the menu, would give you a lot more control over how peeps approach the early crimson obstacles etc.

Personally I think being able to choose your tools properly is more interesting than having to back-track because of skill-type gating.


Amazing Map !!!!  ;D looking forward for your next one.

Nerfing the HP of the sleepers compared to the WIP version is good but might have been a bit too much.   a middle ground between actual HP and test version would be optimal IMO.

Thanks again for the fun time, will sure replay taht one a few times :D


Quote from: Redneck on May 18, 2021, 09:51:29 PM
Amazing Map !!!!  ;D looking forward for your next one.

Nerfing the HP of the sleepers compared to the WIP version is good but might have been a bit too much.   a middle ground between actual HP and test version would be optimal IMO.

Thanks again for the fun time, will sure replay taht one a few times :D

The next map is already here actually, it's the sleeper temple map


I forgot that you could get upgrades, I managed to get to the second to last room without buying any upgrades, then thought "this is impossible" then searched for this thread and saw mention of abilities. I'd suggest adding in a note to the ADA text about buying upgrades. Otherwise it was great.

Fabio pen

How to buy upgrades ?

Edit : Wow, I played the whole map without knowing about the upgrades, I got stuck in the last room, I only found out because of the comment here, I was pressing all the buttons to find it.

The game was painful and pointless !

But now that I discovered the improvements, oh yes it made sense !

Now I even gave a thumbs up, even without playing again.

I'll definitely play it again, it won't be the same fun if I knew before, but it's definitely going to be more fun than the first time ....


This map has a flaw. no weapon upgrades means its a slog in some sections. i unlock the purple door the proceeded to spend 30 minutes standing in the same spot trying my hardest to push back the crimson coming out of the hallway only for me to make 0 progress. i pause the game to see what fucking me and I see a tower but I also see a crap ton of breeder. there is no way someone can push down a hallway of crimson that has that much creep assisting it. bullets deal half damage because its crimson. moarters deal half damage because its crimson but its a lot of it. and anti-creep can hold it at bay. any attempt to bum rush that hallway is met with death as its just long enough to run out of HP.


Did you figure it out? Pressing 4 on the num pad brings up a "buy menu" for me. I got to the same point as you without realizing it was even an option. The map is pretty trivial given the upgrades which I believe are based on time in game.