Custom Map #1698: Connections 10 Missiles. By: Trickycorp

Started by AutoPost, May 05, 2021, 09:51:57 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1698: Connections 10 Missiles

Author: Trickycorp
Size: 160x90

Even when starving an enemy with limited supplies, being careless can result in defeat. -Story driven mission series


I don't care what ratings these maps get. You know why? Because literally every PF map in existence that's not the PF version of CSM gets low ratings. Seriously, the approval system of CW4 would have way more effect in PF, as the creeper world game maps get somewhat fair ratings overall. In particle fleet there's always something wrong with a map according to the people who rate the map even if that's not actually the case. You don't like story? Then why are you playing this story based map series? You don't like maps with only ships? Well the preview clearly shows the map only has ships as enemies. Expected more ships? Well then just go play NEXIOUS or something like that. Wanted something unique? Well in that case go search for something with a more creative name I suppose. Don't like the lore? Go read Harry Potter or something.
Wanted more strategy? Just wait till part 30 or something like that of this series, it's gonna get more complicated over time.

When ignoring anyone who is part of the above list this map should get a 8/10 or something like that. It's fairly decorated, has a few strategic choices, an unique battle (starving the enemy) and some interesting lore. Then again, I could also claim this map deserves a 10/10 because people who didn't rate 10/10 should have played a different map, and how would that possibly be fair?

Had to share my frustration with those raters out there that don't realize 1/10 is a very heavy insult. Considering everything this map should at least be rated 3/10 as there's an unique battle type and a few strategic choices. It's a challenge in it's own way. So please just rate it fairly... it also benefits you when rating higher as that will motivate people to make more maps. So try to actually use the 2/10-4/10 options when the map isn't that good but it's not absolutely unplayable either.
When you want an explanation for something I use in my levels, or if you want to suggest something, feel free to tell me. Just don't ask/suggest things every other day please :P