Custom Map #1478: Creeper Stronghold. By: Harlequin13X

Started by AutoPost, May 04, 2021, 05:30:17 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1478: Creeper Stronghold

Author: Harlequin13X
Size: 256x160


Thanks! Im glad you enjoyed it. This was my first attempt at making a map. I need to figure out how to add mods then I might be able to be a little more creative haha

I really like the TERPS and I always felt like they were under-appreciated so I wanted to make a map where you almost have to use them, in force haha.

I also feel like most custom maps give you too much too quickly, so I went for a natural progression and tried to make it still a fight even if/when you unlock the massive resource reserve.

I feel like this one was a bit long so I may try to make shorter yet still challenging maps in the future.