Custom Map #1446: Shore Strike 2 [FPS]. By: Jamzs3-AU

Started by AutoPost, April 30, 2021, 11:24:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1446: Shore Strike 2 [FPS]

Author: Jamzs3-AU
Size: 256x160


How do I get the AI to actually build inland?  I've only made progress by charging the back wall and helping out the AC there, but I can't get the AI to build inland to help.  It just AC bombs and defends in place, no expansion.  Is the AI script busted?

Actually after staying up the back a while, the creep eventually gets out and destroys some of the initially placed structures.  I went back out there and cleared it, and nothing was rebuilt.  AI script is broken.


I thought that as well, but it might be by design. As you only need to activate totems and collect items, you just need to shoot your way to them, stand beside them while they activate/you collect them, i think it's a design-choice.


Going to be honest here, Not a big fan of this one. Not being able to secure any areas (hell at some points I had creeper leak into the ships) It just doesn't feel like you make any progress.


It's an interesting concept: get in, get the objectives, get out. If you're going to do more maps like this, I'd suggest paring down the upgrades available since a lot of them won't be useful when you're going it alone (like the ERN aura and fabricator aura). But maps like these would be prime for expanding the FPS upgrade options  ;)


I'm just gonna say this for those that aren't sure.
This map is NOT an Autobuild FPS.
There are only Core FPS(Qople) and Auri's FPS tools CPACKs on this map.
It's not a glitch or bug that nothing is building, but the mapmaker's intention.


I enjoyed this one - I do think it would have been more enjoyable being able to take and hold the land, but it's a different concept and that's always to be encouraged.
Pro wrestler, graphic designer, video editor, programmer, cat daddy, game designer - I'm more caffeine than man.


The totems keep deactivating as I run around, and there's so much stuff on the map, I can't even see which.


Quote from: Karzon on May 01, 2021, 06:13:34 PM
The totems keep deactivating as I run around, and there's so much stuff on the map, I can't even see which.

Totems pop because they are placed on top of spore launchers which take them down when they launch. Do that one last. My problem is I can only find 6 totems.


My main issue was finding the totems, there are 3 on the ships, one on the shore and 3 on the land.

At one point after completing it, i spent and hour on 4x trying to create enough ac breeder to flood the map but it was too slow and i got bored...


This map is tough, not easy to speedrun it and then the other option is to put plenty of anticreeper emitter terrain all over the map and I had a tough fight taking on the enemy area first, but while I was taking over the enemy area, they took out all the rift lab and everything died and could not defend itself from the creeper, why did you make them so weak? At least give them more snipers or put less of the annoying phantoms (anything that comes and put creeper on your stuff is a phantom, in cw2 the spores were called phantoms) in the enemy area.