Custom Map #1438: THE LAST STAND. By: Danu

Started by AutoPost, April 29, 2021, 07:29:06 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1438: THE LAST STAND

Author: Danu
Size: 128x80


 :o What was the point of the 55 minute hold time?!  That's crazy long.  Had everything nullified in 13 minutes.

If you don't want people using AC breeder, then don't put AC breeder on the map.  Not that it made much of a difference.

There should be an option in the game to deal with ridiculous hold times that the player can simply tell the game to check if:  All non-hold objectives have been completed, the only objective left is a hold objective, all enemies have been nullified (even if that's not an objective), it's a standard vanilla mission (no custom 4RPL), and there is less than 10 creeper on the map.  If those conditions have been met, then simply fast-forward the map clock to a few seconds prior to the hold time so the player isn't sitting there waiting for a hold objective to complete.


Completely agree!  Didn't even finish, I don't need to burn 35 min. CPU (or even a quarter on 4X) for a silly objective.