Custom Map #1378: World Flags. By: NotAProGamer

Started by AutoPost, April 19, 2021, 12:02:14 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1378: World Flags

Author: NotAProGamer
Size: 320x160


The concept of the map is good, but the execution is really, really bad.
Limiting the weapons to sprayers for a thematic perspective works out well for the first 75% of the map, and trying to figure out how to position your sprayers to keep areas clean while the emitters are destroyed is a nice challenge.
The map falls flat for the remaining 25%, or around the time when 10 or so emitters are remaining. Flags start to get a massive stash of creeper, and Sprayers are not able to handle deep creeper well. In my playthrough, I ended up with over 700 deep creeper on the final flag, and I was only able to win thanks to the emitter being reachable by a nullifier from a neighbouring flag. 9 ERNed sprayers are unable to keep up with the 50/0.5s emitter, and end up in a stalemate.
Finally, the requirement for 100% creeper elimination for the reclaim objective was just obnoxious. Most of the flag islands have corners 1 layer lower than the rest of the island's face, so a tiny pool of creeper gets stuck in there. The only way to make sure you got everything is to put a sprayer on each island with "Always On" turned on, and wait for all of the islands to be flooded.
I think that reducing the reclaim percent by 10% or so, and adding a data cache on the west side of the map (I'd say on Canada, gotta rep the home country), that adds AC bombers to help with the deep island pools, would have made this a great thematically appropriate map, without the tedious, time wasting grind at the end.


Hi, this was a mildly amusing map, until the very end. please never, ever, ever, ever set a map with reclaim where you have to clear 100% creep. do like 99.5 or something, because chasing down the last little blob took about half an hour.