Custom Map #1178: Smile and wave. By: Tero

Started by AutoPost, March 28, 2021, 12:42:32 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1178: Smile and wave

Author: Tero
Size: 220x120


I believe you asked for feedback? Well, I'm conflicted.

It's a clever map with a quite hard start, maybe there are better ways to start than mine, but I had to float my Rift lab for a period of time to get settled.

After that it's more of a "meh" than anything else. You've chosen to make it slow and tedious with lots of micro-management. I can't build missiles, so have to juggle cannons or be prepared to rebuild. You chose not to give an ERN portal and ERNs, so everything is slow - for what purpose?

I quite out after taking the first emitter. I knew I could do it, but I just can't be bothered to slowly advance two ranks of offensive units and occasionally have the tedious task of taking out an emitter on a high mesa.


This map keeps bugging me. So I thought that maybe you had a different intent. and I tried it again.

I thought that perhaps you intended for it to be played without brute force and taking into account the Creeper cap. If that was the case, it might have been possible to send porters to the emitters when they shut down, nullify them and then tae the rest of the map quicker.

Alas, the presence of eggs obviated this strategy, so either I'm too dense to se the intended strategy, or  my earlier criticism stands.


And a 3rd post. :)

So I saw on Discord how someone cheesed it. I retract and apologize for the "slow" comments I made earlier.