Custom Map #727: Royal Fleet 03 Supply Chain. By: Tycell

Started by AutoPost, February 09, 2021, 03:47:13 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #727: Royal Fleet 03 Supply Chain

Author: Tycell
Size: 320x200


well i didn't expect that our ships has been hit hard.
and it seems one of your ships has sinked but dont worry that doesn't mean that is now useless because,
we can use the ship wreck to make another one so dont worry
AND we gonna upgrade the botney bay to a better version and increasing the armor.
also we are planing to add ultracs on your S'jet and add more defences and collector panels,that gonna cost alot but i dont care because our mining operations are making us richs so who cares?

and thank you very much protecting the HMS Khitomer,we not gonna make the same mistake twice.