Custom Map #9176: Cursor-11: 2021 is here!. By: TrickyCorp

Started by AutoPost, January 02, 2021, 01:17:35 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #9176: Cursor-11: 2021 is here!

Author: TrickyCorp
Size: 84x84

since the year 2021 started recntly, I decided to make another cursor level. It's pretty hard, but perfectly beatable without singularities. I also added some new uses to the void-terp. Might as well call it cheat tower at this point.


After reloading a save, all friendly emitter are at 0.

Did I miss something ? A bug in game reloading ?



Quote from: bgzzz on January 11, 2021, 09:57:37 AM
After reloading a save, all friendly emitter are at 0.

Did I miss something ? A bug in game reloading ?


Ok actually not a bug. The green amplifier inside dark circle is unfriendly. In a previous map there was a simple rules : green = good, red = bad. Here, it's more complex.
I beat the map, but I found quite unclear explanation of units (even with the tutorial map).

regarding numbers, what is show values ? addition ? multiplication ? ex: 0.5 means for me it divides by two the power. But in the game it add 5 creeper output.

concerning units, what means "weakening" ? I finaly got it, but using "flooded" is more clear (I guess).

What about adding a panel somewhere to show current mulitpliers ?

Do misunderstand me, I like the concept, but having to decrypt usage isn't funny. This is an improvment suggestion.



Quote from: bgzzz on January 11, 2021, 11:07:19 AM
Ok actually not a bug. The green amplifier inside dark circle is unfriendly. In a previous map there was a simple rules : green = good, red = bad. Here, it's more complex.
I beat the map, but I found quite unclear explanation of units (even with the tutorial map).

regarding numbers, what is show values ? addition ? multiplication ? ex: 0.5 means for me it divides by two the power. But in the game it add 5 creeper output.

concerning units, what means "weakening" ? I finaly got it, but using "flooded" is more clear (I guess).

What about adding a panel somewhere to show current mulitpliers ?

Do misunderstand me, I like the concept, but having to decrypt usage isn't funny. This is an improvment suggestion.


So... better explanations for how things work and what numbers mean. I'll add a "+" to the power tower texts if they add power.(done) "Weakening" seems pretty clear to me and I don't see any way to be more clear about that (not going to change anything about that)
And a panel showing the current multipliers... interesting idea. Not sure where to put it though, maybe just let the player show it by pressing a button, and let them move it by pressing another button. Means I'll be having 2 invisible CRPLCores from now on each Cursor level. (Not gonna add, instead I'll add it to the emitters and Cursor-emitters text. Too much effort otherwise, sorry)

You are giving me a lot of things to improve at once here, I'll see what I can do. I will also be adding a new image regardless since I'm adding a new structure soon, maybe even 2 images. Next cursor level is gonna be delayed by a lot, but I hope it'll be worth it. Thanks for the suggestions!

I'll add a detailed help menu as well, so you can check what everything does. It's probably not gonna be that great but at least it should serve it's purpose. (Done, it's massive right now though)
When you want an explanation for something I use in my levels, or if you want to suggest something, feel free to tell me. Just don't ask/suggest things every other day please :P