Custom Map #259: Prototype Map. By: Mylifefighter

Started by AutoPost, December 21, 2020, 12:02:53 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #259: Prototype Map

Author: Mylifefighter
Size: 40x40


So, you need to give some explanation as to what any of this is. You made a bunch of custom buildings, and gave us zero room to build anything. I have no clue whats going on at all here. Its really weird youve got so many upvotes when theres no clue what any of your stuff does >.>


The explanation is sort of in the text.  Terraform (carefully) and light the beacons.  But I might be missing something.  Interesting idea.


Gotta agree, an explanation would be great as I've no idea.


Well. I'll say that the explanation is very clear in the Map description and the ADA messages, but i've seen too many people post on this forum wanting an explanation or asking a question without even looking at the ADA log which provides the answer.
This map is based on the CSM maps from CW3, the idea is to use the White/Light blue AC emitter and terps to flood the yellow "flip emitters" and blue creep emitters. The yellow emitters change sides once flooded upto a certain amount(and they can change back) and the blue ones die when flooded with AC. The intention is to let the AC do all the fighting, with terps controlling the route.


Quote from: dwilkinson on April 19, 2021, 07:50:55 AM
Well. I'll say that the explanation is very clear in the Map description and the ADA messages, but i've seen too many people post on this forum wanting an explanation or asking a question without even looking at the ADA log which provides the answer.
This map is based on the CSM maps from CW3, the idea is to use the White/Light blue AC emitter and terps to flood the yellow "flip emitters" and blue creep emitters. The yellow emitters change sides once flooded upto a certain amount(and they can change back) and the blue ones die when flooded with AC. The intention is to let the AC do all the fighting, with terps controlling the route.

The explanation is very clear if you've played these maps before, especially on CW3, which was the inspiration. This gives nearly nothing to players whose first foray into CW is CW4. The explanation is far from "very clear" to the uninitiated. Nowhere is the function of the Power Stations explained, and there is only a vague idea of what the various colored emitters do. I get that you had no problem, however, complaining about people not even looking at the ADA on this one is disingenuous at best. A couple of sentences in the forum would have been extraordinarily helpful for people that tried this out and got lost. If you don't need extra explanation, no problem, you won't go to the forum. The forum should be a place for the players to go to for help, and feedback to the mapmakers.