Custom Map #1576: FOXX Tower Defence 1E. By: FOXX

Started by AutoPost, September 20, 2020, 03:42:51 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1576: FOXX Tower Defence 1E

Author: FOXX
Size: 298x215

My 1st take on a PF Tower Defence map. Inspired by PF Map 1018 by Vector Defence inc. This map is similar to the original map and has 2 versions - This is the easy version. #Thanks to Alche for idea and info.


I know i shouldn't be posting since most of the time what I say tends to be taken out of context or people like Grabz will try to make what I said into something nasty when it wasn't but I feel Foxx deserves to know why they are getting poor ratings when Foxx has put so much work into a map, It was a great try, but TD games tend to make you save up money and then the tower is built instantly, then you have to save up more money to upgrade them, but rarely do they ever run out of ammo, Unfortunately this is not really possible in a game that uses energy instead of money, Having to wait for a ship to build and then once built never having enough energy to power it makes for a very frustrating experience, If I would add 1 thing to this map it would have been instant build zones for the ships,  and possibly a couple of energy silos. This might be a perfect map to combine with the instant ship build maps you have made in the past, But as they are presented now, I didn't have much fun playing them.

Thanks for the effort and I hope to see more Foxx maps soon.

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do."
― Robert A. Heinlein


Quote from: chwooly on September 21, 2020, 01:44:49 AM
I know i shouldn't be posting since most of the time what I say tends to be taken out of context or people like Grabz will try to make what I said into something nasty when it wasn't but I feel Foxx deserves to know why they are getting poor ratings when Foxx has put so much work into a map, It was a great try, but TD games tend to make you save up money and then the tower is built instantly, then you have to save up more money to upgrade them, but rarely do they ever run out of ammo, Unfortunately this is not really possible in a game that uses energy instead of money, Having to wait for a ship to build and then once built never having enough energy to power it makes for a very frustrating experience, If I would add 1 thing to this map it would have been instant build zones for the ships,  and possibly a couple of energy silos. This might be a perfect map to combine with the instant ship build maps you have made in the past, But as they are presented now, I didn't have much fun playing them.
Guessing these where a bit to challenging for most players but the maps came out the way they where meant to turn out and i think well designed maps. Ramping up the difficulty so you have to keep building ships where possible.
But did not fall good with the players. As i mentioned in the conversation there will be more TD maps from me and Alche and myself came up with some ideas.
Talking about ideas :) Your idea of adding the Instabuild Pylon to the TD map is a really good 1.

Thanks for the effort and I hope to see more Foxx maps soon.

You sure will :)
For My Maps and Ships!


I think one way to make the maps feel more like a TD would be to make ships with an escalating build cost. Since I don't have a clue about coding in PRPL, I have no idea if it is possible to code a PRPL function that increases cost of ships based on the number of existing units. There would also have to be a counter-function to make the ships build very fast or instantly once the cost was paid (pylons could probably serve for that function). The final step is something I am sure is possible, since it is based on ship modules you have introduced in the past : give them PRPL-boosted reactors to the point where they were pretty much self sufficient. The issue of carefully managing energy to make sure that existing "turrets" keep functioning really breaks the TD paradigm for me. I am fully aware that, considering the amount of games created, there is almost guaranteed to exist several TDs that operate on that premise, but those would not really feels like true TDs to me :P

I think the maps are very good for the area they operate in (PF/TD hybridization), but I also do not think that the engine of PF lends itself well to faithfully recreating the TD genre, resulting in maps that aren't as fun as they should be, considering the skill and effort that has gone into making them. I think this is at least part of the reason behind the scores which are uncharacteristically low for Foxx maps (which usually gets well-deserved high ratings).


Do you think that with self sustaining ships and maybe access to energy caches instead of mines would be better?


Quote from: sciurusaurus on September 21, 2020, 12:33:29 PM
I think one way to make the maps feel more like a TD would be to make ships with an escalating build cost. Since I don't have a clue about coding in PRPL, I have no idea if it is possible to code a PRPL function that increases cost of ships based on the number of existing units. There would also have to be a counter-function to make the ships build very fast or instantly once the cost was paid (pylons could probably serve for that function). The final step is something I am sure is possible, since it is based on ship modules you have introduced in the past : give them PRPL-boosted reactors to the point where they were pretty much self sufficient.
That PRPL idea won't be happening i think. But from all the idea's i can make something work i guess.
PRPL reactors - selfsustainable ships is 1 of them.

QuoteThe issue of carefully managing energy to make sure that existing "turrets" keep functioning really breaks the TD paradigm for me. I am fully aware that, considering the amount of games created, there is almost guaranteed to exist several TDs that operate on that premise, but those would not really feels like true TDs to me :P
When testing this crossed my mind but for the 1st map i just proceeded with the idea for that map.

QuoteI think the maps are very good for the area they operate in (PF/TD hybridization), but I also do not think that the engine of PF lends itself well to faithfully recreating the TD genre, resulting in maps that aren't as fun as they should be, considering the skill and effort that has gone into making them. I think this is at least part of the reason behind the scores which are uncharacteristically low for Foxx maps (which usually gets well-deserved high ratings).
That could very well be. I don't look at ratings for rating but they give an indication if players liked that map/idea.
As i mentioned in the conversation next TD map will be different.
From the idea's Alche and myself had and new ideas i have the following concept (for now)
Next map with Instabuild pylon or selfsustainable ships.(or both). Thinking of using the same maplayout as these maps but not sure yet.
I might make even more TD maps combining ideas with other land layouts.

Thanks for the input Sciurusaurus.
For My Maps and Ships!


Quote from: alche on September 21, 2020, 05:08:11 PM
Do you think that with self sustaining ships and maybe access to energy caches instead of mines would be better?
I know this question is not directed to me but imo energy mines are a must because of accessibility to build ships in the right places.
I might test some things out with energy pods.

For My Maps and Ships!


Now thinking with self sustainable ships is just a matter of building ships in the right order and that's that. Would make very easy gameplay.
Not tested anything yet but just thought about this.

Also busy with another Omni map but thinking the next PF TD map will not have sustainable ships.
As Sciurusaurus mentioned above PF and TD don't combine together well.

For My Maps and Ships!


In the first map, there was the GRID ship, which was autosufficient. It was very satisfying once it was built, but wasn't insta-built.
I think more ships like that would make the game more enjoyable.
There is no signature!


Quote from: WithersChat on September 24, 2020, 10:49:19 AM
In the first map, there was the GRID ship, which was autosufficient. It was very satisfying once it was built, but wasn't insta-built.
I think more ships like that would make the game more enjoyable.
I think you mean the Lathe ship. This ship has no weapons so requires little energy after build.
Coming back to this system after i finish other map(s) because i like the system and want to see what i can change / add.

For My Maps and Ships!


Quote from: FOXX on September 25, 2020, 12:48:58 PM
Quote from: WithersChat on September 24, 2020, 10:49:19 AM
In the first map, there was the GRID ship, which was autosufficient. It was very satisfying once it was built, but wasn't insta-built.
I think more ships like that would make the game more enjoyable.
I think you mean the Lathe ship. This ship has no weapons so requires little energy after build.
Coming back to this system after i finish other map(s) because i like the system and want to see what i can change / add.

No, I meant the one with a bunch of reactors on it, and MANY lasers.
There is no signature!


Quote from: WithersChat on October 06, 2020, 04:55:01 AM
No, I meant the one with a bunch of reactors on it, and MANY lasers.
Didn't have a clue what you was talking about until i looked at the 1018 map again.  That map has such a ship.
A bigger self sustainable ship(s) is on the list of ideas.
So that was a good idea, thanks for the input WithersChat.

For My Maps and Ships!


I really like your maps FOXX.
Just even the Easy Maps, I could stand for 15 minutes.
After a few tries, I couldn't go longer.
Still the same problem : lack of energy, so slow to build ships to keep up.
I'm just a noob ! :-)


Quote from: jelus on October 23, 2020, 05:06:39 PM
I really like your maps FOXX.
Just even the Easy Maps, I could stand for 15 minutes.
After a few tries, I couldn't go longer.
Still the same problem : lack of energy, so slow to build ships to keep up.
I'm just a noob ! :-)
Thanks Jelus,
This map (both versions) may require ship build/shoot management.
I have another one of this map in the works which is slightly different than these.
And you can always try different start setups.
A Tip

Lasers are the most efficient weapons in these maps.

For My Maps and Ships!


The thing I'm curious about is, how in the world (without cheating) does anyone finish this map in under 33:30?