Custom Map #8757: Creeper Boss. By: Running Rat

Started by AutoPost, August 11, 2020, 10:20:45 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8757: Creeper Boss

Author: Running Rat
Size: 130x130

Fight against a powerful creeper boss that uses a variety of abilities against you. React to its actions and take it down!


Glad that you take the time to create maps, but I find this unplayable.
I paid attention to the information you provided, but just don't see a way to prepare what is going to happen - and there is no way to 'react'.
When those random Creeper bombs start dropping, there is nothing you can do except slog through it and start re-building.

I've seen this random destruction concept before and have never found it to make for an interesting game.
Thanks for the time you put in.