Custom Map #8367: Buzzhead. By: Heisenberg

Started by AutoPost, May 01, 2020, 11:05:14 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8367: Buzzhead

Author: Heisenberg
Size: 256x160

Be fast & decisive


Not bad, but there's a lot of empty space

After about 3 minutes only 1/3rd of the map contains creep, leaving vast amounts of space for energy.
Tons of energy vs default 20 / 0.5 emitters = too easy


Nice looking map,
a bit on the easy side.
I'd give this a difficulty rating of 2.3   (on the 0-1000 scale)

rating -3 due to deceptive description.
After the first basic run, I tried "Be fast & decisive" by starting the game, leaving it running, and making breakfast. At about 12:00 I returned with my bacon&eggs. Ate my breakfast, then landed my first CN.

Still no sweat to defeat.
Note that at 15 minute mark the creep from the East and West emitters HAVE NOT EVEN MET each other.

Ok, it is possible:
I have run this as a scenario,
with rules:
* No strafers, bombers, berthas, thors.
* limited to 2 sprayers, 2 cannons, 2 mortars
* no singularity.
* may only enter map at 15-minute mark.

Still easy.