Custom Map #8358: Remote power transmission. By: WithersChat

Started by AutoPost, April 28, 2020, 11:28:08 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8358: Remote power transmission

Author: WithersChat
Size: 256x256

Another custom unit map. You have remote islands, and no guppies, air units and no berthas. But you have a unit that is able to send energy instantly, but not with great efficiency. (The "Locked on unit" target mode is quite bugged if you activate it while paused.) #CRPL #CustomPlayerUnit


Is it on purpose, that you need to build one of these units per weapon you want to supply?

I find the handling of it quite annoying.
alea iacta est: 42


Quote from: tamashii on April 28, 2020, 12:37:21 PM
Is it on purpose, that you need to build one of these units per weapon you want to supply?

I find the handling of it quite annoying.

Not the purpose, just that it is way easier to code and to understand. How would it target more than one unit?

Setting 3 fully charged towers on a nullifier, with one frame of delay between each (target one, press n, target the second, press n, target the 3rd) allws you to build and charge the nullifier in 3 frames (1/10 sec)
There is no signature!


Quite interesting concept.

As for the handling maybe just send energy to any unit that is unconnected to the main network?
That would remove all the micro, just need to build more transmitters so they can keep up with the energy drain.
Even making it a different mode "supply all" and then use x3 or x4 power would still be nice enough for me to set all my transmitters to that :)

Instant-building of nullifiers is very strong as expected, some cannons and a shield (or a 3-sec singularity) makes short work of the emitters.
Building nullifiers in 1 frame worked fine for me, though you do need to guard them for 2 seconds while they fire.


Well, when reading the description I was assuming that targeting them on a connector would send the energy into the connectors network, so it would power all close by weapons.

As I understand this is not even close to what you programmed, it's just what I expected to happen >.>
alea iacta est: 42

Martin Gronsdal

Quote from: tamashii on April 28, 2020, 05:24:17 PM
Well, when reading the description I was assuming that targeting them on a connector would send the energy into the connectors network, so it would power all close by weapons.

As I understand this is not even close to what you programmed, it's just what I expected to happen >.>

that's what I thought as well. The idea behind this unit is great, but it is still in "prototype stage" ;)