Custom Map #8354: Glattice. By: Rotloan

Started by AutoPost, April 25, 2020, 08:15:12 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8354: Glattice

Author: Rotloan
Size: 112x92

This map has custom units called "Growth Crystals", inspired by flip breeders in CW4. If you flood them with plenty of creeper, they will grow the creeper. It works for anti-creeper too! My 9th map. Enjoy! #crpl #spores #norunners


Nice functional unit.
Sort of a creep amplifier.
I like that they can "die", erm.. dry out, if you suck too much AC away from them.

Imagine if you have a (dense)field of these, but dry... Whomever gets the first but of creep/AC slime on the field, triggers a tsunami.

These are also quite susceptible to a combo of Berta+sprayersuicides. Even for a growth crystal that is quite deep under creep.
Lots of scenario potential in there.


Oh yeah, we've got a winner here.
Nice concept and looking forward to seeing what you can do with it.


Cool map, very nice to have an AC explosion on the frontlines once you reach the crystals.

sprayer-drops are possible, but didn't see too much use of that until you are nearby.