Custom Map #8082: Beware the Digitalis Maze. By: Jason Stevens

Started by AutoPost, January 04, 2020, 11:05:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8082: Beware the Digitalis Maze

Author: Jason Stevens
Size: 256x256

This is a trickier map than it appears to be at first glance. You may be tempted to start in the northeast, but if you do, you will discover why you must beware of the digitalis maze - and it's powerful amplified pumps... This is the STANDARD version of this map. There is also a HARD version and EASY version. #Pump #Toggle-Pump #Flip-Emitter #Heavy-Creep #Spore #Sleeper-Spore #Runner Good luck!!

Johnny Haywire

Wow, forgot how brutal Jason's maps can be.

If anyone's still around and trying to figure this one out - or if I decide to try this again but forget what I did - My solution was to get AC to the small island, then use a sprayer to get the flip-emitters going. The greatest threat is the CRPL spore towers, so I loaded up sprayers and exploded them on top of the towers. Some only took one sprayer, but a few took 3-4.

Once all the spore towers are dead, you just need to keep creeper from getting to those PZ pumps and you should be ok.
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