Custom Map #8062: Death by Creep (Hard Version). By: Jason Stevens

Started by AutoPost, December 31, 2019, 06:42:11 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8062: Death by Creep (Hard Version)

Author: Jason Stevens
Size: 256x90

Move quickly or you'll be overrun! #Toggle-Pump #Flip-Emitter #Capture-Emitter #Heavy-Creep #Spore #Sleeper-Spore #Runner Good luck!!



At the start, land the 2 command nodes to the southwest and disable ammo on them just long enough to build 4 collectors.  Then, enable ammo and build reactors one batch at a time finding the balance where you build as many as possible at the same time without creep from the green emitter coming up to the CNs.  Then, focus on driving north before beating down the creep to your east.  Once you've taken over the entire western area, you can move east.

Hope that helps!


It's that very first start that kills me.
The creep is already on my CN platform before the first 3 reactors are built. Ok fine, CN can eat a lot of creeper for a while.
But the creep flows far enough to kill my collectors.
Even with 6 reactors and 4 collectors making full energy, and **none** going to build, the creep still overpower the two "converted" emitter, and swamps me.

It must be possible, as some of you guys manage, but I simply cannot get a toehold on this level.

And as i post this, some success..
Needed: take two-three deep breaths after completing one reactor, before starting the next. build a bit of a buffer on the CN energy level AND the green emitter's charge level.

Aaaand then....
Is there any practical way to make the top and bottom superspore NOT trigger at the exact same time?

Ok, seems a sacrificial (or massive micromanage) assault by 3-5 canons will delay one spore blaster by 10 seconds. enough to stagger them..

Now at 31m in game, 4.5 hours in life, and just the east landmass to conquer.


Glad you stuck with it ;)  It is a very difficult start for sure!  Were you able to complete the map?

Quote from: marvinitfox on January 03, 2020, 03:41:55 PM
It's that very first start that kills me.
The creep is already on my CN platform before the first 3 reactors are built. Ok fine, CN can eat a lot of creeper for a while.
But the creep flows far enough to kill my collectors.
Even with 6 reactors and 4 collectors making full energy, and **none** going to build, the creep still overpower the two "converted" emitter, and swamps me.

It must be possible, as some of you guys manage, but I simply cannot get a toehold on this level.

And as i post this, some success..
Needed: take two-three deep breaths after completing one reactor, before starting the next. build a bit of a buffer on the CN energy level AND the green emitter's charge level.

Aaaand then....
Is there any practical way to make the top and bottom superspore NOT trigger at the exact same time?

Ok, seems a sacrificial (or massive micromanage) assault by 3-5 canons will delay one spore blaster by 10 seconds. enough to stagger them..

Now at 31m in game, 4.5 hours in life, and just the east landmass to conquer.


it took quite a bit of time, but i did it. The initial issue i was facing was the superspores destroying my reactors, and when it was solved, the creep crossed the void and destroyed my reactors before i can  capture the landing island. Multiple save and load were used to try different risky maneuvers.

Quote from: jasons2645 on January 02, 2020, 01:21:10 PM

At the start, land the 2 command nodes to the southwest and disable ammo on them just long enough to build 4 collectors.  Then, enable ammo and build reactors one batch at a time finding the balance where you build as many as possible at the same time without creep from the green emitter coming up to the CNs.  Then, focus on driving north before beating down the creep to your east.  Once you've taken over the entire western area, you can move east.

Hope that helps!

Lucky Clover

After failure last week, I think about how to pass this map each time before sleeping, and finally give out a solution! And pass this map nearly at one time this morning with 51min.

The critical point is: you should not build forge too early, as using forge to improve energy is VERY EXPENSIVE at early time. You need 100(forge)+25(guppy)+100(buildcost) to just have the ability to gathering totem, and I estimate building forge is more efficiency than reactor only after you have at least 20 reactors in this map. Just at the time I realized this, this maps seems to be much more easy. Focus on reactor, slowly expand your territory and win.

Some suggestions for the other who struggling this map.

1、build one sprayer early helps a lot! You can gather AC and destroy the middle mass spore tower! And storage AC to nullify some creeper land on the right island accidently by spore(yes, you could allow some spores land on the right small island, dont overbuild beams!)
2、build one connon early, and keep flying to the below mass spore tower and flying back, with more energy you should build one more connon and repeat attacking the spore tower, which could greatly delay the below spore tower at relative low cost.
3、after each wave of spore, stop supplying beams and focus on building reactor. Resupply only at necessary!
4、remember to build strafer to cut the digital.
In fact, if you could defend the first wave of two super spore tower, victory will centainly at your hands!

Johnny Haywire

If anyone's interested in playing this, you can take out all three of the massive spore towers with 3 sprayers as AC bombs before the first wave of regular spores fire. Hope that's helpful - this is a cool challenge for the first 10 minutes or so.
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?