Custom Map #7884: Eruptions2. By: Gentleman

Started by AutoPost, November 21, 2019, 12:31:00 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #7884: Eruptions2

Author: Gentleman
Size: 184x256

Instead of fighting Emitters, take on an entire Planet. Volcanos will periodically emmit a massive amount of creeper and debris. It'll be managable at first, but the more Volcanos you take out, the more dangerous the remaining ones become. But don't play defensively either, because the seismic pressure also rises over time. Detailed introduction via Dialogue, just hit download ;) Took me a while to get the scripts working, if there are exploits or bugs, write a forum post plz :)


Cool scripts, always nice to see new CRPL coders in the community. I take it you're a sailor by profession judging by the comments you left in the scripts  ;D

Quoteif there are exploits or bugs, write a forum post plz

There are a few minor (potentially not so minor) issues I noticed with the scripts you might want to take note of. First, and most importantly, using delay within a loop is a very, very bad idea. Knuckracker gives a general overview of the issue here with the potential consequences being the map completely breaking on save/load. I think you're safe from red alert mode because you don't use any awake functions, but you're a hair's breadth away from total map meltdown there.

Another issue is that you're pulling from an empty stack for one of the concats in your SetText for the text display at the bottom of the screen. I assume it's the last one but I didn't check thoroughly to make sure which one caused the error and why. I'm getting ready to leave for work so I only did a brief peek through the scripts, but there were some other minor structuring issues as well. If you'd consider joining our community discord there's a mapmaking help channel there where we're happy to help troubleshoot any CRPL questions or issues you may have  :D