Custom Map #7741: AN OA. By: BilboGCL

Started by AutoPost, September 24, 2019, 06:31:15 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #7741: AN OA

Author: BilboGCL
Size: 161x91

This is an experts vanilla map - beginners, please be warned! #Runnners #Runnners #Runnners #Runnners #Runnners #Spores #exploding digitalis #limited tech


time to find out if i'm a boy, or a man :P


yep, pretty fun...i'm not a begginer i guess haha


This looks like fun - but I feel like a beginner. I get the nullifier and relay in the bottom left but then spores kill me (not enough energy) I think I need the canons in the bottom left  - so top right gets flooded.
I am obviously missing something?
But What?


Quote from: EEderle on September 25, 2019, 06:07:44 AM
I get the nullifier and relay in the bottom left but then spores kill me (not enough energy) I think I need the canons in the bottom left  - so top right gets flooded.
I am obviously missing something?
But What?

You should be able to get the nullifier tech and use it on the runner nest on the SW-starting island. You can use that PZ for a beam.

Hope that helps and
Greetings from The Shire
Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!


if you really feel like energy is a problem, just spam your base with collectors and make every 0.1 energy count :D


Ouf! tricks upon tricks needed to complete.


Start by taking SW island. simple enough, just put collectors everywhere, make 2 cannons and walk them down. Prevent creep from reaching runner nest, or you have trouble.
Get nullifier, use nullifier on creep. Put a REACTOR there, you will need the power!
Then nullify the runner nest,
Now be hasty!! put a relay on the PZ, link across and get your cannons. Then delete the relay and put a beam on there to kill the incoming spores.

Ok, thats the start.
Now build a forge, and get some tech. but how?
Collector (not relay) on PZ can reach the stuff. But digitalis kills the collector?
Ok. use cannon to clear the digitalis, Guppy to left node for power, nullify that nest.
THEN collector to harvest ores and tech.

Bottom small island, easy (because you released your cannons)
middle island, easy enough. Use AC and digitalis-killing cannon to push back the runners, there arr way too many runners to kill, so using snipers is just wasting energy!

Bertha on one PZ on middle, beam on other.

Now use waves of cannon to take to minislands.
Be aware that the digitalis will explode and spill itself ALL OVER the place. This is good. No, really!
Because with digitalis dead, the runners die.
Just use manymany cannons to kill the released creep, then clear the islands.

With relay on small island PZ, you and relay to top island, which is a very simple but strong enemy.


Quote from: marvinitfox on September 28, 2019, 02:44:03 PM
Ouf! tricks upon tricks needed to complete.


Start by taking SW island. simple enough, just put collectors everywhere, make 2 cannons and walk them down. Prevent creep from reaching runner nest, or you have trouble.
Get nullifier, use nullifier on creep. Put a REACTOR there, you will need the power!
Then nullify the runner nest,
Now be hasty!! put a relay on the PZ, link across and get your cannons. Then delete the relay and put a beam on there to kill the incoming spores.

Ok, thats the start.
Now build a forge, and get some tech. but how?
Collector (not relay) on PZ can reach the stuff. But digitalis kills the collector?
Ok. use cannon to clear the digitalis, Guppy to left node for power, nullify that nest.
THEN collector to harvest ores and tech.

Bottom small island, easy (because you released your cannons)
middle island, easy enough. Use AC and digitalis-killing cannon to push back the runners, there arr way too many runners to kill, so using snipers is just wasting energy!

Bertha on one PZ on middle, beam on other.

Now use waves of cannon to take to minislands.
Be aware that the digitalis will explode and spill itself ALL OVER the place. This is good. No, really!
Because with digitalis dead, the runners die.
Just use manymany cannons to kill the released creep, then clear the islands.

With relay on small island PZ, you and relay to top island, which is a very simple but strong enemy.

It can actually be completed without using a single bertha as well. I'm apparently blind and didn't realize I started with a bertha and by the time I reached the bertha pickup I was finished so I played through the whole thing with no bertha. I may have had to resort to some... unusual tactics.




You wrote:
Now build a forge, and get some tech. but how?
Collector (not relay) on PZ can reach the stuff. But digitalis kills the collector?
Ok. use cannon to clear the digitalis, Guppy to left node for power, nullify that nest.
THEN collector to harvest ores and tech.
But: I have no chance to get the nullifier fully charged
without using a strafer

You wrote:
Now be hasty!! put a relay on the PZ, link across and get your cannons. Then delete the relay and put a beam on there to kill the incoming spores.

:thinking: How do you have a relay at this point?

For the digi-part my suggestion is:
Make a PZ-Bertha (and if you want to a PZ-Strafer, too) and fire the Bertha at the digi-spawning-emitter, the disaster is not that big as the small, fast runners are filled with AC. You can use the optional (but imho helpful) PZ-Strafer to cut the small line of digi just over the AE-field.

For the bottom small island:
I just use a PZ-Mortar on the starting island ;)
Once I have the bottom small islands PZ I think it is a good idea to use a digi-only mortar on it but ymmv

I start with a normal reactor and start to build a PZ-reactor as soon as the small island next to starting island is cleared and I don't need the mortar anymore.

Greetings from The Shire

Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!


Quote from: BilboGCL on September 28, 2019, 06:44:06 PM
...nullify that nest.
But: I have no chance to get the nullifier fully charged without using a strafer

PLEASE don't tell me when something is impossible.
I managed that just fine the first time round, but now you've told me it cannot be done, I am unable to repeat my success.

It's so much easier to do the impossible when you don't realize it is impossible!



But I didn't tell you it's impossible, just that I wasn't able to ;)
Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!

Johnny Haywire

Just came across this map when searching for difficult maps. Definitely more challenging than most, but "expert" difficulty is like 9/10 or 10/10. This is more like 7/10.

Plenty of time to grab the nullifier and kill the emitter & runners' nest before the spores start.

You might consider putting the beam on the bottom PZ so that you can let a spore hit the PZ needed for ore & totems, then clear it. That's the route I took. Once I got 2 upgrades to range, I just let the game run for a while to get plenty of tech and then it was easy to clear.

Not sure that any "tricks" are needed, except perhaps getting the spore to fire at the top PZ. Should be easy enough to figure out.

Impressive vanilla map!
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?