Custom Map #7170: ICE CSM. By: Kinglion2

Started by AutoPost, March 09, 2019, 04:10:45 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #7170: ICE CSM

Author: Kinglion2
Size: 144x144



Didn't have time to finish it, but having fun so far :D
Currently watching: ARIA, Dog Days, and other unlikely things.
And some likely things, too!


I haven't finished it yet, but I have NO idea how this map works. I vaguely understand it, but only half the stuff is explained. I get how the Emitters and the bomb-making machines work, as well as the various colored Creeper sinks and the plugs that appear on crosshair tiles, that you can move TO the sinks. But here's things I don't get:

How the rainbow-colored rings with numbers on them work.

How the Defuser works, besides making the crosshair tiles the plugs start on no longer work.

Generally just... How I'm supposed to progress through the map. I'm sure part of this is my own incompetence but take a look. Note it took me 2 hours to get here. Again, I'm not denying I might just be terrible at this, but I've never played this kind of map, Googling "ICE" begets nothing, and there's barely any explanation as I mentioned.

Help to better understand this would be much appreciated. I wanted to ask Kinglion2 directly but I'm not sure how I'd get in contact with him.


Aw, that is normal. The thing about CSM maps is that they evolved over time into the version you see before you, so it sorta expects you to know how a bunch of features work ahead of time.I see you already got the answers on discord, so i'm gonna mention a simple trick: you can partially replicate stargate plugs by doing a 5x5 terp centered on a stargate. It won't work against creeper higher than "terrain level*terrain multiplier(unknown, but assumed 50 in this case)" but it can really allow for progress.


1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


This map was fun and tricky. If you want a very hard extra challenge: complete this without using the bomb-making factories.