Custom Map #6812: DO WHAT YOU PLEASURE. By: yum234

Started by AutoPost, November 25, 2018, 07:50:11 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #6812: DO WHAT YOU PLEASURE

Author: yum234
Size: 144x144

CORKY STARGATE MODE (CSM-62) game with created by Kajacx new unit - CBF (Conversion Bomb Factory). In standard CW3 game AoO Orbital Conversion unit "C" can be used only one time. We supply you with CBF where with some interval will produced infinity number of Conversion Bombs. To activate CBF you should overflow it by anti-creeper. When CB ready to attack just click on it and click on any emitter or stargate. Game became more interactive. Do what you pleasure! :) #BravoCornucanis #BravoKajacx #BravoVirgil


I don't know where I am going wrong but I find these maps really hard, my time is 1hr! Any tips? On this one for most areas i just blocked a gate and then hit it with a bomb and built a 9high wall around it then moved to the next one. It was slow going.


Quote from: D0m0nik on November 25, 2018, 02:56:36 PM
I don't know where I am going wrong but I find these maps really hard, my time is 1hr! Any tips? On this one for most areas i just blocked a gate and then hit it with a bomb and built a 9high wall around it then moved to the next one. It was slow going.

I had to do some of that for the new map, ( )...

But for this one, that's hardly necessary, unless for some speed at the end.
A hint for the beginning, hopefully it's helpful:
Start with the areas with purple SGs: there are 4 of them that matter: one in the center of the map, that will have a lot of Creeper pouring in, and you want to block that immediately. Then, you may also want to block the two purple ones that have an enemy emitter, just until you manage to get AC on the one to the right of the base (which should be one of the two blocked)
and then you will be able to get a total of 5 Towers (including the tower to the right of the purple SG below the base, that's protected by 2 weak emitters), for an AC emitter power of 60, and then you can open 3 fronts: (1) to the right of the emitter, (2) next to the faraway friendly emiter on the bottom right and (3) above the base, though notice I already blocked the red and purple SGs there, and will have to block the yellow sometime (and unblock the purple when I lower the creeper levels there a bit) 
It took me about 5 minutes to get to the position in that image.

Though there are a few people who could probably give better suggestions, my record is 27min33sec, and the best is under 23min...


Thanks for the help. Yeah I am on the right lines I think, I did something similar. I am just curious as to how people do these quickly.


Do you close the SSs that drain away anticreeper when you have no chance of capturing the other side?

For example, here:


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