Custom Map #6813: Conversion Bomb Factory (HARD). By: yum234

Started by AutoPost, November 25, 2018, 10:39:48 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #6813: Conversion Bomb Factory (HARD)

Author: yum234
Size: 144x144

CORKY STARGATE MODE (CSM-63) game. Previous map was tutorial (introduction) how to use new CBF unit created by Kajacx. This map sufficiently more harder. Terrain heght 1=50 as usual. That is why be careful because heght=9 can protect creeper only up to 400. "Ctrl+Shift+J" - CORKY Help Box. "Ctrl+Shift+H" - Kajacx funny Monitor #BravoCornucanis #BravoKajacx #BravoVirgil #GoodLuck


This new unit seems ... well, to overtake the gameplay. Being able to capture any Emitter within terp distance leads to the interesting mechanics being overshadowed.

Creeper levels too high to attack conventionally exacerbates this ... perhaps a smaller portal network would help?
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


I'd mostly agree with GoodMorning? Gameplay with the conversion bomb is less interesting, more of a grind of bomb, terp, bomb, terp. Having things higher than 400 does add an element of watching your backside/ portals that would be 'capped' at lower levels, deciding if you want to put a blocker on them to let things flow more freely, etc.

I should probably have another go at this map, thouhg, I think I can better my time!
Currently watching: ARIA, Dog Days, and other unlikely things.
And some likely things, too!


I think it would be good if the initial part of the map was beatable conventionaly but perhaps one corner was very challenging and you need to secure a far off bomb factory in order to beat it. It would have more a mission feel.


Is red power-up error? When I capture it with anti-creep, it always decreases anti creep by 10 every time I capture it.


1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now