Custom Map: This Will Be Hard

Started by AutoPost, May 10, 2010, 10:28:46 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: This Will Be Hard

Author: Dang3781

You are probably not going to pass.


Wasn't so bad. Build up some energy quick! The real trouble is that once things are really humming, could move really fast-- but would have to pause the game constantly to make all the little adjustments needed.

Very clean experiment of a map.


I just made an account and thank you for saying it was clean. That actually was what I was going for. Because you said that I decided to make the most simple map I could think of but it turned out to be a challenge to complete it after I made it. Check it out. :P I also wanted to change a few things on it but I can't.
What is nothing. Is their anything that is nothing. Anything you think of is something so only God knows what is truly nothing.