Custom Map: Obstacle Course

Started by AutoPost, May 03, 2010, 08:40:10 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Obstacle Course

Author: Krell

Keep moving that city. This is a race against the creeper. The only safety is at the end of the course. Can you pull it off?


It's sad I put all this effort into this map and then no one says what's wrong with it, they just score it low and go on their way.


TBH I would rate that expert. Took a while.

The only thing I found frustrating is that I dont think there is a way through the second row down from left to middle without doing the crazonium bridge shuffle, which I did.

I enjoyed it though, (took 3 goes) so thanks for the map.

I would say though if you intended to have to use the bridge thing, dont be surprised at the votes becuase it's a pain in the frigging ass!


lol I always found it easy. So easy that I double crazonium walls just so people can't skip ahead. Besides I rated the map expert only, people who don't want a challenge shouldn't play expert only maps.


Made it all the way up on my first try, but totally moved the wrong blaster killing my connections and letting the creeper over run my setup... that killed it, no recovery.

I'll try again later, good challenge though. I like it


Can someone load a pic with an example of this "bridge"? THX



where the blue circle is, you fly a blaster back and forth between there, it will bridge the cap connecting the 2 nodes even though you cannot directly connect them

here's another example of several bridges at once through the wall


Finally had the time to try this one till the end. The obstacle course reminded me of my military service: fun for one time, but never again! ;D Those 15 minutes actually took me 1.5 hours, like my year as a conscript seemed to be 6 years.... Crazonium just isn't my thing.

I appreciate the design though, you must have put a lot of effort in it to make it all work out. :)
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is there a way to keep the blaster selected while bridging? i just can't get the blaster to stay connected long enough to power the collector.

vexsin, in your second example, how is it possible to have the blasters sit on top of the wall like that? or were the blasters there when the map starts out?


During bridging you'll have to pause the game a lot.

The blasters will have to be built by yourself and moved to the wall later. They are in mid air all the time.
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 :o KEES how did you cut the time to 15 minutes?!


Creating blasters out of all my spare energy.... ;)

These helped me to keep as many sections powered as possible, which gave me more energy, so I could create more.... blasters! ;D In the end I had enough energy and blasters (14-15 or something like that), so I built some speed nodes and one mortar as well. I alternate the blasters with collectors, so I could advance certain sections with twice the normal speed.
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ok, that is helpful, i'm getting closer. still having trouble on the second tier, any advice for this part? is there a key command to pause?

also, why does this randomly happen?:

as opposed to this:


kee's and I actually discovered this bug:

he posted about it here

'P' is the hotkey to pause


Yep, and in addition to that: you'll find bridging a lot easier if you can move your blaster in line with the wall you try to pass. This is why I didn't move OC to the end of tier one, so I have a free space below the crazonium wall that you try to bridge over at your first screenshot. Don't build 3 collectors there; one is enough.

I'm not sure how you guys passed the second part of tier 2, but I used a very effective and quick solution.... ;)
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