Random Map Generator

Started by Echo51, May 02, 2010, 11:13:41 AM

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So, i was bored and made this little Random Map generator. What it does is generate a colorcoded image that you can trace after in the editor. Im hoping Virgil might shed some light on how the .cwm files are created, so you will just get the mapfile instead though...

Anyways, ill be posting progress report here ;) ask questions if you have any too....

REV 2:

Got some parameter boxes set up, and the script converted so my host could run it. ;)

REV 1:

Completely random as of now, not that useful yet, but shows the colorcoding and princip off..

Latest Public dev version can be found at http://echo.wep.dk/map.php :)
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Here's a hint for what you might want to use:
Perlin noise.


Thanks virgil, but from what i found making perlin noise in PHP wasent effective for "live" useage, so im going to invent some parameter based - neighbour "height" merge as of now. Then it should just be tweaking/UI/testing :)
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Sounds interesting, especially when the map maker (or even player) will be able to set those parameters.
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You will be getting some forms that have default values you can change :) Might have to limit it in some way though :/
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- The only echo present here...


Why would you want custom generated maps, they can never be as good as self-made maps


To have something to work from, it can help you structure the terrain :P
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- The only echo present here...


How can you make a good map if you don't now what you're going to make from the start?

But this might be good with the fog of war idea.


Yep, that combination will make it interesting.
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Quote from: Sqaz on May 03, 2010, 12:51:55 PM
How can you make a good map if you don't now what you're going to make from the start?

But this might be good with the fog of war idea.

just click generate until you get a map wich you could work out further
go Dutch
go Netherlands
Holland ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sqaz means you should always have a plan when making a map and I agree with that. I don't believe you'll create an interesting map when you just start clicking. That's why I think the generation of maps should be parametrized, so you can at least enter some constraints / preferences to suit your design / mental blueprint.
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Upperkees, it will be parametrized, actually thats what im doing right now ;)
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- The only echo present here...


Sounds good! Looking forward to see what you come up with...
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