Custom Map #5604: Respec easy little. By: builder17

Started by AutoPost, March 22, 2018, 01:46:13 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #5604: Respec easy little

Author: builder17
Size: 27x27



Hints and tips:

After landing command node put aether to energy effectivity.
Build collectors, reactors and one/two mortars.

Build pulse cannon to gray terrain in upper left. Start pushing until you can build nullifier to emitter's range.


Interesting small map!
I haven't checked the crpl, but it seems like you have increased creeper flow
The best weapon for increased creeper flow is a shield (and the here not existing AC)!
So I started building a shield immediately, together with a collector. Once the forge appears, you have enough room for three CNs and when you build collectors at carefully chosen places, you don't run in the red and you have time to build a network until you start to build a shield-supporting pulse cannon. It is indeed tempting to put the aether in energy, but I found it more useful in increased build speed and another two clicks to packet speed, I guess alter old used a better balance of these three forge settings so he could cut off another five seconds...
Once again a map to play for an hour to gain a time shortly more than a minute :)

Greetings from The Shire!
Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!



Quote from: BilboGCL on March 22, 2018, 05:32:01 PM
Once the forge appears, you have enough room for three CNs

That feeling when you snag first place without ever realizing there was room for a third CN all along  ;)

My strategy:


2 cannons. While they're building put several build speed points and 1 packet speed. Fly them to the south area with one on either sid of the furthest west nullifier build spot. Start building a nullifier ASAP. Meanwhile, several more build speed points and a couple more packet speed as well. Build a relay while the nullifier is in the first stage to get the packets there a little sooner. You'll lose the eastern cannon as it has to sit in the creeper to keep the nullifier safe, but if done properly it should buy you just enough time to get the nullifier fired in under a minute!


I don't understand this map. Maybe something "bugged" or I missed a key point.

The level was really easy, one mortar and 2 cannons were enough to finish it, I didn't even built more reactors or anything. Took like 2-3 minutes.


Quote from: apocalipsus on March 23, 2018, 10:30:07 AM
I don't understand this map. Maybe something "bugged" or I missed a key point.

The level was really easy, one mortar and 2 cannons were enough to finish it, I didn't even built more reactors or anything. Took like 2-3 minutes.

Custom Map #5604: Respec easy little.


Quote from: apocalipsus on March 23, 2018, 10:30:07 AM
I don't understand this map. Maybe something "bugged" or I missed a key point.

The level was really easy, one mortar and 2 cannons were enough to finish it, I didn't even built more reactors or anything. Took like 2-3 minutes.

These small maps can teach you how to get faster - have a look at the scoreboard and try to improve yourself! hint: a mortar isn't needed!

Greetings from The Shire
Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!


So we've discovered a bug in the map. Apparently if you destroy your forge, it will rebuild the next frame and build a new siphon with it. This means you can force many siphons to build and greatly speed up your aether flow. Make sure you delete all siphons before the crystal depletes, though, or the game may freeze. You want to only have one siphon left when the crystal runs out.

The mapmaker, builder17, is aware of this glitch but I wanted to post it here for the sake of fairness to anyone else attempting a speed run at the map since it can save a bit of time. I got my time up to 50.9 before discovering the glitch, so I thought it only fair to tell everyone else about it given that Alter Old probably posted his time of 50.0 without using the glitch.

Alter Old

Very interesting. We'll have to experiment. Thank you.
As usual, forgive for my English.


Sorry for not posting the bug immediately here, Even when I could beat cornu by a tenth of a second w/o the glitch (me 50.8 while he had 50.9), your (alter old) time was out of reach for me!
Alter Old, maybe you want to join on discord, too? You're named that often (in a positive way!), but it feels always a bit naughty talking about absent people!

Greetings from The Shire!
Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!

Alter Old

Quote from: BilboGCL on March 23, 2018, 09:50:24 PM
Alter Old, maybe you want to join on discord, too?
Thanks for the invitation, but the format of the Forum me more suitable due to the language barrier, time zones and free time. Sorry.
As usual, forgive for my English.