Custom Map #5503: sleeper5. By: baba

Started by AutoPost, February 19, 2018, 09:04:12 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #5503: sleeper5

Author: baba
Size: 190x190


Johnny Haywire

Ok, I know this is an old, old map - but this is one of the best Sleeper maps I've found so far.

The Sleeper-Berthas will keep you busy (shields help protect from the shots btw) and the Sleeper CN's actually moved to smart positions. The flying enemies will come at you non-stop once things get rolling.

Years ago, I apparently found an exploit and won the game quickly. Probably nullified an emitter and then an enemy CN using the PZ. I decided to try this one turtle-style.

I'm sure very few people are reading the forums at this point, but if you read this AND like Sleeper maps AND usually dominate them easily, you should give this one a try.

If your skill level is below 8/10 I would stay away from this one. If you can beat it, congratulations - you're in the top 20%.

Thanks for the map!! =)
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Martin Gronsdal

so I did this turtle style too. Then, one enemy CN randomly decided to land close to the elevated starting point and my snipers took it out and I won.

oh, and one second in game was 5 second RL.... LAG!

Johnny Haywire

Ah, hate both of those things, but I don't think the lag was that bad. Maybe I built less stuff, I dunno.
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