Custom Map #5393: Everything is worth - v2. By: leukeuss

Started by AutoPost, January 31, 2018, 08:58:14 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #5393: Everything is worth - v2

Author: leukeuss
Size: 181x181

Logical game with step by step explanations. I hope you'll have fun! Wind in the clouds for Yum ;) And ... forgive my basic English, I'm French...


Gamers... Please forget the last one ! This is the one I wanted to propose to you  ;)


I've been playing CW1,2,&3 for several years. I am no newbie, but this map isn't fun. It is annoying. You barely have a chance or opportunity for basic survival from the start. You can't move, shoot or do anything fast enough. Everything is limited and everything is stacked against you. This is not logical. Maybe to you it appears as that, and you probably are a fan of your own work thinking you are clever, but it doesn't play as fun or challenging just annoying as hell. You have to waste seconds for Odin to land. And then waste time for your power to build (which is limited), then waste time to build up your sprayer with AC (which is limited) and then you cannot build or do anything else to improve your situation but wait on very specific timing while the bird is messing up the board and everything else is getting flooded with creeper. That is not logical. That is just trying to mimic your thought pattern. You don't want us to create our own solutions, we have no choices in the matter except to just try to figure out whatever the hell you were thinking when you created it! And I HATE getting into the minds of anyone else because you people are all the same thinking you're so brilliant when in fact you are severely mentally different.  You're not freaking geniuses. Forcing everyone to play the game as YOU would without choice sucks! It took you over 2 hours just to initiate the game!
I've created games but gave many options and guess what others took them and beat my time. So good for them. That was the purpose. But this game is horrible. >:(   
If you want to actually make a good game... then give US the choices and don't create some pathetic map where our only option is to fail until we think like you did.


Quote from: BrainyBear72 on January 31, 2018, 02:44:31 PM
Maybe to you it appears as that, and you probably are a fan of your own work thinking you are clever, but it doesn't play as fun or challenging just annoying as hell.

Quote from: BrainyBear72 on January 31, 2018, 02:44:31 PM
And I HATE getting into the minds of anyone else because you people are all the same thinking you're so brilliant when in fact you are severely mentally different.  You're not freaking geniuses.

Take it easy on that straw man buddy, I think he's had enough punishment.


Quote from: BrainyBear72 on January 31, 2018, 02:44:31 PM
... then give US the choices ...

But, hey, we DO have the choice - play it or leave it - it's up to you!
(btw: my actual mission time on the predecessor map: 9h:56m:53.3s  8)

Greetings from The Shire!
Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!


Quote from: BrainyBear72 on January 31, 2018, 02:44:31 PM
I've been playing CW1,2,&3 for several years. I am no newbie, but this map isn't fun.

Quote from: BrainyBear72 on May 08, 2017, 09:54:55 PM
Greetings ALL. I thank you for your kindness. :)

This is a map. Don't like it, fine, say so. But don't go off attacking the map maker in this fashion.  That's not kind. Others liked the map and the unique challenge it presented. I'm sure you don't expect every plate of porridge to be just to your liking, no? 


1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


Cool name of map!  :'(

1. New version of game with explanation became too havy for my old computer.
2. I finished the game, but can not submitt time score.

Really Everything is worth...  :-\

But enjoyed it!  :D
1560 maps in CW2, CW3 and PFE till now


BrainyBear is certainly right, I may have gone too far on this map ... But I do not pretend to be a genius or a key creator. I was very surprised by the positive feedback on my previous cards. So I wanted to push the thing again ... in short. I am musicians, not mapmaker.
Anyway thank you for your comments, whether positive or negative. Creation is a complicated activity, especially when you want to please others. Whether in the musical composition, as for the rest ... But it's so cool! :)


Quote from: leukeuss on February 02, 2018, 04:00:30 PM
BrainyBear a certainement raison, je suis peut-être allé trop loin sur cette carte... Mais je ne prétend pas être un géni ou un créateur incontournable. J'étais d'ailleurs très surpris des retours positifs sur mes cartes précédentes. Alors j'ai voulu pousser encore le truc... bref. Je suis musiciens, pas mapmaker.
En tout cas merci pour vos commentaires, qu'ils soient positifs ou négatifs. La création est une activité compliquée, surtout quand on veut faire plaisir aux autres. Que ce soit dans la composition musicale, comme pour le reste... Mais c'est tellement cool ! :)

Yes he is right that you went a bit far with the difficulty curve on this map, but I strongly disagree with his impulse to respond in such a manner. I recently made a very difficult map too (#5343 CWDig Claustrophobia) and as expected it received very low rating due to difficulty. It's fine, that's what happens under a ratings system when you make a map that's not accessible to everyone.

What I don't understand, though, is the impulse to come to the forums and attack the map creator. At the end of the day, this is a hobby for us just as it is for the players. We make the maps that we would enjoy playing. Some people will enjoy them just as we do, others won't. There are over 5000 maps in Colonial Space now, so if a map creator's content isn't to your liking is it so difficult to choose another map by a different author rather than feeling slighted by the fact that a map wasn't tailored to your personal expectations?

And regarding the warm reception for your maps in general - Your maps have a very distinct and recognizable "style" to them which is a very rare thing in CW3! They are also very creative and fun to play. This one received lower rating because that's the consequence of making difficult maps, but I certainly understand why your maps in general receive such great ratings  ;D