Custom Map #5142: Nomad (Normal). By: Stoof

Started by AutoPost, December 15, 2017, 04:57:09 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #5142: Nomad (Normal)

Author: Stoof
Size: 182x105

A challenging and action packed struggle to establish a permanent base on this fractured world. Will require a lot of micro management and takes a long time to beat. #NoReactor


There is a dialogue when you start that will give you an idea about what to do. It seems that it doesn't show up automatically though so you have to click the "archived transmissions" button at the bottom of the screen to see it. The map can be a bit confusing without it so it might be a good idea to check it out. Let me know if anyone want further hints/help.


The initial dialogue shows only upon the first attempt at the map. So you (having played before) will not see it.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Quote from: GoodMorning on December 15, 2017, 05:40:35 AM
The initial dialogue shows only upon the first attempt at the map. So you (having played before) will not see it.

You can always find the dialog in the Orbitals tab - Check for "Archived Transmissions"


So you (having played before) will not see it (automatically, without clicking button, for clarity).


Thanks for clarifying guys, you are right. Got a bit worried that people would start the map and have no idea what to do and just get frustrated but then I guess that was not the case :)


To be afraid, that no one knows what to do is probably not needed - btw, you know that you can play this map, hmm, backwards:
You can build nullifiers, mortars and a small energy net on the small SE-island, land you CN in creeper, let it go to orbit a few timesand you have an easy approach to the map.

Greetings from The Shire!
Hey, come to the dark side Discord, we have cookies!


I often find that when people make different difficulty versions of the same map that the fastest time for each map does not vary much. The fastest time on the insane map is currently 2 mins faster than the normal version!

If you want to make a harder version it appears that simply making emitters have a higher output does not affect difficulty that much as it does not affect strategy.


There are some differences in how fast you can finish the map in the different modes, I don't think anyone has tried pushing the normal one, but the fastest time is not a good meassure of how hard a map is. Other than the difference in the emitters I have changed the terrain to give you more time and to simplify assaults on different positions as well as the defense of some positions. The walls are also thicker so that you got more time to move on before you get overrun. On the easier maps you have more time to advance, it is faster to take new bases, the terrain is less tricky and you don't have to deal with as many runners from as many directions. The intended strategy is very similar on all maps but you can play a bit more casually on the normal map without getting stuck and eventually dead. To beat the insane map you really gotta optimize stuff to be able to move on(or possibly defend) before the walls break, or at least that is what I thought before I learned there was a way to cheat :(