Custom Map #4538: Weird island. By: tamrin

Started by AutoPost, June 24, 2017, 10:54:50 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4538: Weird island

Author: tamrin
Size: 256x256

This weird map is occupied by weird enemies who do weird things..... Be carefull because if u dont beat them there is a 80% risk of becoming weird too :D :D no, just joke :D good luck in this map and if u get stucked just ask on forum :)


The start of this map seems to require a very precise sequence of moves in order to get a foot hold before the spores fire. Quite frustrating trying to get it just right as there appears to be no room for error at all once you find the method.

Despite what the opening text says, you must destory the green circle thing!



Congrats on beating this one, Dp.  I've played around with the open and you're right, it's a razor thin margin for error. I can nullify the spore towers plus the 6 emitters, but I am always less than a second too late to get the pickups just south of that top island. Not sure if I'm on the wrong approach here and will probably look at other ideas tomorrow.


yep.... I tried to extremly timing :D anyway this is my first map with my own written crpl. I have read tutorial it was so great and I must say that I love CRPL :D I hope I will learn much more and more tricks.


I always love your work Tamrin, you are a master map-maker of the highest order! I do think you have crossed the wafer thin line that exists between a map being a real pro challenge and it just being an absolute headache! I did not enjoy this one much, The first half an hour was a real struggle for power and then after that it was endless waves of units flying into pools of creeper until I could get a foot hold. There was no room at any point for any kind of creativity or thought, it was a sequential slog from start to finish! The best maps always have options. Please don't take my comments badly, if you are trying to make challenging maps you will eventually get to this point!

I think the start took me about 15 goes and I nearly gave up. I think this was how I did it:


Land the CN on the left of the top island, use a collector to pick up the tech on the left, you can't get the mortor yet.
Next build a collector as far right as you can to pick up the collector tech, then build another collector plus a siphon on the energy.
As soon as the siphon is finished fly your CN right whilst building a couple more collectors to the right plus a nullifier on the bean and green circle and a nullifier on the far right.
Collect the beam tech and build one sprayer far right.
Put a beam on the PZ in the centre, build a second nullifier on the right PZ guarded by the sprayer.
If you do not do all this as quickly as possible the beam will run out of power before the last nullifier fires!

Happy to expand on this if anyone wants a little more detail. This is just the start though, mvoing left is also very tricky and needs two mortor and two cannons in just the right place in order to build a nulifier!


yes I agree and thank you for opinion :) After player solve the start and win the middle it is only one way to win. So maybe next one will be better.


I do agree with Domonik's excellent points above. I scored it 10/10 (as I always do with your maps) but it was my least favorite of your works. Multiple paths to victory is the key.

Also, the surprise pools of creeper that pop up in the game is always infuriating to me. I'd suggest you leave that mechanic out of future maps.

I think the best maps are those that are very challenging, but still accessible to everyone. Some people don't have the experience that it takes to do precise placements and timings, so they lose the game very quick and then they just rank it low and move on. Giving lesser experienced players options to turtle and experiment a bit before they get over-run is always a nice option and would expand the reach of your audience.

Thanks again for your maps, tamrin. They are legendary.


I am sorry to talk again about this map.... but can someone explain to me how it is possible to have score 12 minutes here?
(player name: IPWIW)  ???
Oh, I see he has also 2 minutes on Hallucinations...... hacker probably?


Yeah that name pops up with a few impossible times. Sad.


totally unable to start this map, not even the slightest room for error is given to us in this map, exactly what do we need to do for the first 5 min of this map so that we can get started, I got the techs and nullifier, but can't deal with 200 strength emitter and barrage of phantoms that come out and put 100s of creeper from the second tower, any help on how to be able to build those nullifiers quickly before they activate and produce creeper that is impossible to deal with only 2 blasters and no mortars or beams.