Custom Map #4534: Last Defeneder Part 1 (Normal). By: Nonono64

Started by AutoPost, June 23, 2017, 11:12:12 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4534: Last Defeneder Part 1 (Normal)

Author: Nonono64
Size: 64x64

Last Defeneder is one person trying to protect the planet from creeper. Sadly he is the only survivor and the help of his master computer, they will try to recreate his long lost society. In this level the creeper returns unexpectedly. Normal Difficulty -Basic Creeper/Traps -Basic Towers/Wepons -Nullifier Limet to 1 -Reactor Limet to 8


That was very easy.
The only obstacle was that emitters can only be nullified sequentially, with the nullifiers limited to 1.
Otherwise: Enough energy to set up cannons and even mortars before the small emitters start, minimal spore pressure so you lose relays only if you forget to move your beams near your frontline, enough power zones to suppress even a strength-500 emitter.

Poor creeper had no chance, it was just steamrolled.