Custom Map #4333: Voidtastic: The Machine. By: Copperrein

Started by AutoPost, March 26, 2017, 11:10:37 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4333: Voidtastic: The Machine

Author: Copperrein
Size: 210x250


Johnny Haywire

Hmmm... lots of scores & ratings but no comments yet? I just played it through and thought it was extremely well done. Having done several maps that required a lot of micro-managing, pausing, saving, etc. this was a fresh break from all that. From the onset, you can set max speed and just go - there are a few spots that you might find a bit challenging without pausing but this is the kind of map that (to me at least) is the most fun to just play straight through.

I like the islands, the limited air weapons as well as the air exclusion zones. I thought they were well-placed and gave an extra degree of difficulty without making it a brain-racking challenge. The lack of terps also force the player to be a bit creative which I thought was a nice touch as well!

Thanks for the map! Great work!  ;D ;D
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