Custom Map #4195: Flip terrain 3. By: willbir

Started by AutoPost, January 23, 2017, 02:42:15 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4195: Flip terrain 3

Author: willbir
Size: 256x144

Whole map flip. Medium to hard difficulty, roughly between the last two,


I was excited for this, but after playing, discovering I have limited Beams and thus have to manage rebuilding units time and time again, I'm less excited. In fact, I might go so far as to say I'm seriously discouraged from attempting completion.


Quote from: Karsten75 on January 23, 2017, 03:34:07 PM
I was excited for this, but after playing, discovering I have limited Beams and thus have to manage rebuilding units time and time again, I'm less excited. In fact, I might go so far as to say I'm seriously discouraged from attempting completion.

There are actually just enough beams and potential PZs there that you can manage it to never take a single spore hit. Also build valuable units in deep AC where they can take hits.

Johnny Haywire

Obviously, you could use the 3 thors too - but I try not to use them since it just feels wrong.

Another idea for anyone who's struggling with the spores... you can build blasters and/or mortars to clean up any spore hit right away. I didn't build any reactors - just collectors - and that provided plenty of power. You can even restrict yourself to only using berthas, blasters, and sprayers as weapons if you just feel like giving yourself an added challenge.

The AC seems to be limited to 30 deep, but if you use sprayers to collect it then pump it somewhere else, you can build up a lot more AC. If you like that sorta thing, that is  ;)

Willbur, I really liked this version! The spores made it pretty interesting. I decided to surround the Inhibitor with blasters and fill the entire map with AC before taking it out. I enjoyed seeing it suffer before its inevitable demise.

Thanks for the very cool map!  ;D ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Loren Pechtel

I dislike the beam limit.  As you push the creep back you get the PZs and render the spore threat nil but for a while you'll be rebuilding, rebuilding, rebuilding.  While I built the thors as additional spore defense I never found a need for them.  By the time the first was ready I had already killed enough spores that the PZs stopped almost every spore and I was already building nullifiers for the last of them.

Maps like this make bombardment weapons (mortars and berthas) really shine.  Probably the thor also but I haven't tried it.