Custom Map #490: map 58 RANDOM ENEMY. By: yum234

Started by AutoPost, December 30, 2016, 01:26:47 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #490: map 58 RANDOM ENEMY

Author: yum234
Size: 384x216



I liked this one.

General thoughts:
The opening was a bit of a PITA to figure out.   I didn't really find a good use for the bulldozer.  On my first run, it didn't finish before the end of the map.  On the second run, I did things in a different order and did build and use it.  The big shield is a better ship IMHO.  I liked all the other ship designs.

My Rating:

My time:
First Run:
39 mins and change

Second Run:

Opening Hint:
In the central portion of the map, there's 2 omnis, 2 ships, some struc that comes down from the northwest corner.  Place the HQ just south of this to grab one of the omnis.  Once you have an omni, destroy the hq and warp to the very edge of the SW corner.  This will let you grab the mine there.  Once grabbed, place an omni on the island near to that turret to neutralize it.
