Custom Map #4118: Shields Up!. By: Nebur7420

Started by AutoPost, December 13, 2016, 05:44:24 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4118: Shields Up!

Author: Nebur7420
Size: 96x96

This map utilizes a standard machanic in the game but gives ita litle twist. Good luck! It starts off very hard again !

Johnny Haywire

Interesting concept and I thought the map was nicely laid out!

I opted to NOT use shields since I just don't like them. Sorry.

It'd be cool if you made this same map with no shields or beams at all. You don't really need berthas either but they are nice to have if you want to clear a lot of creeper fast.

Thanks for the map!  :)
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Great to see new map makers still coming through, your maps are excellant, please keep up the good work!

This map kept me on the edge from start to finish as it is just about possible to take the CN tech early and establish and hold 3 bases just long enough to connect them and make them safe.

First unit - collector in PZ
Second unit - relay out to collect CN tech
3rd unit - reactor in PZ
Land CN in east, build 2 collectors to collect 2nd tech.
Land 3rd CN. For both CNs 2 mortors, one reactor, 5 collectors and one nulifier.
Move one mortor onto the PZ and if the creep gets to close move it just off the PZ to attack near by creep.
Move fast in top corner and make connecting to the 2 CNs number 1 priority!
I also built 2 cannons and 2 sprayers top right and sent them over to support the outer bases unitl I could connect them.


Forgot to mention, no shields for me either, could take out the spores before they fired.

Johnny Haywire

Wow, nice strat Dom!

If you're more into turtling, you can tank the spore hits with no problem as long as you're not relying on reactor power. Drench your base in AC and set up a cannon to quickly clean up anything that lands. Terp as many wide open spaces as you can - so much that you'd make the Dixie Chicks envious - then build collectors for power in them. You really don't need much power to win this map slowly.

If you're into drinking espresso like it's Kool-Aid, try out Dom's strategy. In Geometry you learn that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. In CW3, it's D0m0nik.  ;D

Nebur, your maps are really cool! You have some amazing insight into what makes a good, playable map - please keep it up!
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