Custom Map #4108: Smallworld1. By: Nebur7420

Started by AutoPost, December 11, 2016, 08:11:01 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4108: Smallworld1

Author: Nebur7420
Size: 81x81

This is my second map. Starts off a litle hard but will get easyer


Starts off VERY hard! I had a good few goes until I got the units ballanced just right!

Loren Pechtel


This is one of those micro manage starts that many will not enjoy to be honest.

I started with 2 mortor and took out the two nearest emitters. I You can land one on the PZ for a few seconds and switch them around. I also stopped resuply to the one not on a PZ to speed up the nuliifier builds.  I did not attack the 3rd emitter until I had slowly built a few reactors once the first two emitters were gone. 

Once you get set up it is stright forward but getting there is tough!

Loren Pechtel

Quote from: D0m0nik on December 12, 2016, 02:07:03 AM
This is one of those micro manage starts that many will not enjoy to be honest.

I started with 2 mortor and took out the two nearest emitters. I You can land one on the PZ for a few seconds and switch them around. I also stopped resuply to the one not on a PZ to speed up the nuliifier builds.  I did not attack the 3rd emitter until I had slowly built a few reactors once the first two emitters were gone. 

Once you get set up it is stright forward but getting there is tough!

I can kill any two of the three closest emitters but then I get overwhelmed.


You only need to kill two. I found the only way to keep my base was:

Juggle the mortors, whilst one is on the PZ turn of resupply to the other as it heals. Keep jugling the resupply on both and keep moving them on and off the PZ until you have a reactor or 3, then build a cannon and start to free up some ore. I did not take out emitter number 3 for about 8-10 mins by which time I had 10 reactors, 6 ore mines and two sprayers.

I have attached my game at 4mins, if you are not close to this stage at this time I suspect it becomes impossible very quickly. This is one of those maps were if you are nto very quick, you die!


Hey everyone,

I'm sorry I said it was a litle hard  :-\
I found that building 1 ore mine,
and after that 1 sprayer works the best.
After that you can use the glowing ring to build a reactor and start pushing back the creeper.
also try to build shields between the 10 high pillars
I hope you wil have a great time playing my other maps to i'm currently working on some more.

Johnny Haywire

Just tried this map and I'm impressed! The early start requires pausing. Unless you are ridiculously fast. I tried doing it two times without pausing and failed miserably, even slowing it down to 1x-2x speed. Even after that I think it took me a couple tries pausing every 30 sec or so.  Pretty intense start!

I did things a little differently...
I first built a blaster in the PZ, then built one ore mine then another, and then a sprayer. I then built a mortar and once it was built I put it in the PZ. I didn't take out the two close emitters until I'd built all the ore mines and several reactors.


I don't think the biggest threat comes from those nearby emitters; it's the deep stuff that's heading quickly towards the base.

Great job with the map dude!
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?