Custom Map #4076: Bridge. By: Constantine Aeghin

Started by AutoPost, November 17, 2016, 10:50:27 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4076: Bridge

Author: Constantine Aeghin
Size: 135x235

Looks simple. It's not, no quick completion times here. Send feedback and thoughts for improvement please.

Loren Pechtel

Tricky start but then it's basically just a slog.  At the start I managed to gather all the tech except the sniper and forge and there's no point in the forge until you get there anyway.  The back row of the upper island was all berthas, that was enough to keep the creeper below overflow levels then it was just march down the bridge.

Johnny Haywire

I liked this map enough to pause it every now and then... which is saying a lot. Like Loren, I grabbed most of the tech at the start but built a forge and nullified the first emitter about the time that spores started coming. I only built 2 berthas (on the pz's), grabbed the sniper tech and then used the forge to draw the creeper away from the inhibitor.

For someone willing to pause it a lot, I'd bet a sub-15 minute time is possible.

I liked this map b/c it makes you think of different possibilities, and the lack of relays makes that challenging. Great work!  ;D
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