Custom Map #255: Deep Drill. By: Fum

Started by AutoPost, October 28, 2016, 07:46:33 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #255: Deep Drill

Author: Fum
Size: 384x144

Escort the Driller through the particle infested land to reach the large deposit of ore.


I love it. It's not like anything I've played before, it's got a good tactical flow, and it shows us a side of the game we often overlook. I'd never seen a map that elevates the lowly rock burner to the most important part of the game until now. It's maps like these that keep the game fresh long after I've grown tired of the mundane fighting-particles-in-space levels. I rate this creation 10/10.


Glad you like it! Not many others did, judging by the ratings, haha. What route did you take? My time was around 15 minutes, but most of the other scores were a lot longer. I'm not sure what took them that much longer, unless they were just rock burning everything. Thanks for the kind words!


The energy mine you start out with gives me 0 energy and does not have a circle of influence so I can't even build with the energy pods. If I destroy the energy mine, it shows briefly as giving 40 energy but as soon as it's built it's back to 0. This does not seem right.

So either I'm missing something obvious or there's a bug.

Keeper Decagon

Quote from: Lisimba on October 30, 2016, 06:36:18 AM
The energy mine you start out with gives me 0 energy and does not have a circle of influence so I can't even build with the energy pods. If I destroy the energy mine, it shows briefly as giving 40 energy but as soon as it's built it's back to 0. This does not seem right.

So either I'm missing something obvious or there's a bug.

It might seem obvious, but you do have your HQ deployed, right? Because it sounds like you don't.
"For me, there is no honour or glory. No praise to be had for what I do. I fulfill my purpose for the protection of all... neither of us are going to make it out of here alive." - ?? ??, 145th CE


Quote from: Keeper Decagon on October 30, 2016, 06:39:32 AM
It might seem obvious, but you do have your HQ deployed, right? Because it sounds like you don't.

Hahaha, no I didn't have it deployed. Never even thought about it.

It works now.


Nice map, making your own way is interesting. Could probably get tedious if overused though, but it was fine here.

The path I took:


Quote from: Lisimba on October 30, 2016, 08:28:17 AM
Nice map, making your own way is interesting. Could probably get tedious if overused though, but it was fine here.

The path I took:

I see. I should've hid another energy source down that way, as energy gets pretty slow if you stretch it out too far. The 50 mire spawner has an energy mine under it, to make sure drilling didn't get too tedious.


Guess I'm a bit late on the reply, but to answer your question I literally went straight horizontally through the middle. I wasn't playing for time, mind you, but it seemed like the obvious solution and I tend to give the simple answer a fair chance. As for the time taken, I was kinda slow because I made the mistake of allowing my drill to be destroyed, and that thing takes forever to rebuild.

It should also be noted that I drilled a thick enough path to have the drill stand with two of the escort ships at its side. I probably didn't need to go that wide, but I prefer a cautious approach.