Custom Map #153: Homeworld. By: Doug

Started by AutoPost, October 13, 2016, 11:21:00 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #153: Homeworld

Author: Doug
Size: 256x144

First try at a map. Hope you guys enjoy it. Standard ships to start with and customs in the pick ups. Would love to see some feedback on it either good or bad.


I haven't played it yet. however, just from the screen shot, it looks like one I will try.

One note. Unless you plan to have particles & energy at the start of the map, make sure they are cleared and the timer reset :D
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Great first map, huge amount going on in a small area. Two or three different ways to approach the NW of the map made it interesting for me and the cannons kept it challenging. I would probably have had a few also on the far west side of the map as once the half way point was crossed it got progressively easier and the ending was a cake walk. Still a good map though.


Thanks for the input guys! I was surprised by how long the maps take to create and test making sure the timing on everything works as desired. The drone ship from the Southwest was intended to come sooner as it makes establishing your base quite a bit harder. I had a couple of ideas for making the final assault a little tougher but I kind of rushed it.

I tried to clear the particles/timers/mire and save as fast I could but I couldn't get them 100% off the start screen for some reason. I might be missing a delay timer on emitters or a separate setting somewhere.

Glad people are enjoying it either way!


Quote from: Doug on October 13, 2016, 05:58:28 PM
I tried to clear the particles/timers/mire and save as fast I could but I couldn't get them 100% off the start screen for some reason. I might be missing a delay timer on emitters or a separate setting somewhere.

Hi Doug,

next time you want to test a map. instead of playing it in the editor (so never unpause), finalize the map to test it, leave the editor and play the finalized version. See what you don't like and go change it in the editor.
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Very nice first map! Pretty small but with lots of stuff to do. For some reason the enemy ships gave me chuckle as they sped around that raceway, it looked awesome! :D Only criticism I might have would be that there perhaps where too big of a fleet for such a small space.
Good job!


I love it! It's a pretty decent hard start. A turtled a bit too long, but that's my own fault. The Eclipse vessels need some work. Too much reactors (they are useless for large ships with lots of weapons). I didn't use much of the fleet available, but you did make good use of the standard vessels.

You did a great job on your first map. Now, your second will have a high bar to beat. :D
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

Dark Ambition

This is surprisingly great for a first map! I always keep trying, but I can never get the look of the land right, you did good with that though. I think the eclipse needs to be edited though, once I got one of those, the rest of the map quickly fell in line. Its too OP, and was able to act entirely independently from the rest of the fleet because of the reactor amount. I think. It was awesome though, seeing how much damage it did.


Honestly that was kind of the intent when I built it although its probably to op for this map as once you get it the win is pretty easy.

I went through a few variations on the design before even thinking about making a map. The goal behind it was to make something that could take huge damage, have self sustaining power and solo most maps while at the same time keeping the build time as fast as possible. I find it oddly satisfying to destroy maps with a single ship having no concerns for the amount of damage it sustains  ;D

The smaller custom was the opposite design. Fastest possible build to get decent base protection or support.


My goodness, that was hard! Hella pressure right from the outset. Secured the first three islands, took out the eastern central emitter, and flipped the (practically useless) emitter due west of that one without too much difficulty, but got stuck there for a while. The land to the northeast was too well-protected by its enclosed emitter to establish a beachhead, couldn't push west without better ships, and the defense cannons tore anything that got close to absolute shreds. Finally managed to get enough omnis onto the vertical strip of land to push mire over the couple defense cannons. From there it was pretty straightforward. And once I got the emitters to the southwest flipped, it was a breeze. That initial push was freakin hard, though.


Ha! Hope you enjoyed it bugbrain. There is a much simpler solution to that corner if you give it another go ;)

I didn't actually intend for that one cannon to be so strong. Think I ran through 5 destroyed HQs before I realized the cannon was the problem. Decided to keep it... Figured if it gave me trouble maybe it would surprise someone else too 😂


Fun map! The Eclipse weren't needed, and they were too big for the map anyways. I rushed top right to get those emitters, then rock burned a hole in the vertical column to push all the blue particles in, then it was easy to get a lathe in the center emitter. The rest was easy, but it was rewarding to see all the blue replacing what was once red.

I like to think that this was originally a human fortress using blue particles for defense, but the red came and took it over. Our fleet was sent in to retake the fortress and get a stronger foothold in redacted space!


Quote from: fumbuckle on October 15, 2016, 05:11:51 AM
Fun map! The Eclipse weren't needed, and they were too big for the map anyways. I rushed top right to get those emitters, then rock burned a hole in the vertical column to push all the blue particles in, then it was easy to get a lathe in the center emitter. The rest was easy, but it was rewarding to see all the blue replacing what was once red.

I like to think that this was originally a human fortress using blue particles for defense, but the red came and took it over. Our fleet was sent in to retake the fortress and get a stronger foothold in redacted space!

I used one eclipse. Made life easier. But yes, you are right, not particularly needed.
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Quote from: Doug on October 14, 2016, 08:45:35 PM
Ha! Hope you enjoyed it bugbrain. There is a much simpler solution to that corner if you give it another go ;)

I didn't actually intend for that one cannon to be so strong. Think I ran through 5 destroyed HQs before I realized the cannon was the problem. Decided to keep it... Figured if it gave me trouble maybe it would surprise someone else too 😂

Aw hell, I think I know what it was. Or I at least thought of on thing I never tried, and I bet it would have worked. A simple thing, I feel silly for not thinking of it. Guess I'll just have to play it again, lol.


Not sure what happened but it seems like the entire game play on this map is different with the new update :/