Custom Map #112: The Hunted: Prolouge. By: AreTech Security

Started by AutoPost, October 05, 2016, 11:43:16 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #112: The Hunted: Prolouge

Author: AreTech Security
Size: 320x180

***NOTICE*** Please use the default fleet for this level. Humanity has been warned. The Particulate threat is coming. In wake of the bombshell that is the warning sent by Varro, the GalCorp fell in a bloody Civil War and all the information they were hiding went pulblic. The corporations began preparing their defenses, and built up Armadas and amassed armies. Then, they waited. Months past. Months turned to years. Years turned to Decades. The particulate were all but forgoten, a nagging fear at the back of