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[Bug] Unit overlap

Started by Xeneonic, September 29, 2016, 05:42:52 PM

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Currently it is possible to have units overlap. Especially in corners and having a lot of units selected, giving a new move command often results in an overlap. I'm sure it's hard to intentionally overlap units to gain a serious advantage (Such as having 5 units armors occupy 1 cell to make it very hard to break through) but I assume very persistent people can try to squeeze in a few extra seconds on leaderboards and whatnot.

In the screenshot you can see a cruiser overlap on the wolf and lathe. It shouldn't be particularly hard to reproduce so I'll withhold specific steps.


If you tell us the steps, we can fix it faster rather than try to figure it out. I've never seen this before.
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

Qwerty Quazo

This is possible in the editor. Not sure how you managed to do that on a mission.
The brain is complicated. Use it or lose it.


It is really not that hard (Although I haven't managed to "control" the overlap locations) to get this to happen. The easiest way is to select a large group of units, although I've managed with as little as 5 so far, and then make them move to a cramped corner of a map. I do suppose having ships in a corner already will produce even better results. While the units are selected, drag the mouse around so that it will try to find different positions to land on. I can't really tell if you can produce more accurate results with different "position alterers" such as holding E and using the mouse wheel. All of them work, but I am not sure which is more consistent. For example, the image below is from the insanity mission and all I did was build a couple of ships, select them and sent them in a corner using some dragging using the mouse button and wheel.

As you can see, the Lathe is almost 100% inside the HQ.


I'm unable to reproduce it. What OS are you using? Maybe it's some calculations related bug :o


Quote from: jaworeq on September 30, 2016, 07:01:29 AM
I'm unable to reproduce it. What OS are you using? Maybe it's some calculations related bug :o
Windows 10 x64.

Anyway, since this seems to be hard to reproduce, maybe it's not such a big deal after all. Perhaps one day we'll find a way to get a more effective result and only then it becomes an issue. Especially since I can't control which units will overlap eachother, it will be hard to abuse it.

But when the day comes that people learn to stack up 2 hammers on top of each other 1:1, that's when you'll start seeing time records being broken, as of course there's practically nothing that can penetrate two hammers (or hammer like units) repairing themselves if they are stacked. For now I guess not a big deal, but something to keep our eye on?


It looks like an interesting bug. Next time it happens, do the following:

And get the logs.

You could have an error in the installation.
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


Quote from: Sorrontis on September 30, 2016, 09:39:30 AM
It looks like an interesting bug. Next time it happens, do the following:

And get the logs.

You could have an error in the installation.

Get the log and the save;


Quote from: Karsten75 on September 30, 2016, 09:45:42 AM
Quote from: Sorrontis on September 30, 2016, 09:39:30 AM
It looks like an interesting bug. Next time it happens, do the following:

And get the logs.

You could have an error in the installation.

Get the log and the save;

Your wish is my command;
The save is from when I commanded the units to move in pause mode, so no movement has taken place yet. See for yourself.

The logs are in the rar file as well, from the save position you see in the file, and after they have moved. I don't think there's an error...


There might be an issue with the HQ hitbox, which could be related to this problem.

I've been making a map and came across an issue where I can place the HQ on a piece of land as shown in my attachment. I don't think this should be possible. Easily reproducible (just recreate the pattern).


There is a known issue with ships overlaying single squares of land.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


Yeah, I punted on this issue because of the additional checks necessary to prevent it (as ships are being placed).  At the time I punted I just decided to not make makes with single cells of land (they can be hard to visually discern for a player anyway).  But yeah you are correct.  Since ships come in all manner of convex and concave shapes, every hull cell has to be checked against every map cell.  But at certain angles, a cell of land can fall 'between' cells of a ship hull.