Map Editor Suggestion

Started by Nicant, September 23, 2016, 06:54:48 AM

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This is my suggestion to make the map editor less tedious.

Hold Shift to erase plasma, fields, and land. It is very tedious to go back an forth between creating and erasing, for example, land. Maybe have it so you can also hold shift to erase and if you want to stop, just simply stop holding shift. It would make the editor less tedious.

Obviously this suggestion might be added after initial release of the game.
CW4 hype!!


"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


This, or right-click. It's counterintuitive to have right-click place or erase some things, and have checkboxes for others.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


I have a new suggestion now! Maybe also add that grid that is in the cw3 editor! The grid of course being the thing that is over the mouse and it highlights the terrain cells.
CW4 hype!!


Or even a checkbox for a grid overlay, of fainter lines over the entire map, brightening as for the CW3 editing cursor.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


I was going to start a new report when I found this thread.  My issue would be fixed with the shift option to delete as well.

My issue is, I use right-click as cancel which worked fine in the game itself.  Now that I have been playing with the map editor, the only issue I have is deleting Struc, which is done with right-click.  However, when I use right-click it cancels the Struc menu making it impossible to delete Struc unless I go into options and change it to either "Moves Map" or "None".

I really like the idea of holding down shift to delete!
/\lways (oca(ola


Hey mappers, Hey Virgilw!

I need a grid too.  ;D ;D ;D
Just started mapping and really I miss a grid.
My mapping style needs a grid.  ;D
Full overlay would be the best if I had to choose.
I made a dream ... was map making on CW4