Particle Rendering Poll

Started by knucracker, September 16, 2016, 10:51:44 AM

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Which particle rendering options do you prefer to play with?

Rendering: Creepify  Color:Velocity  (This is the game's default)
Rendering: Discrete  Color:Velocity
Rendering: Creepify  Color:Health
Rendering: Discrete  Color:Health
Doesn't make much of a difference for me


Just to satisfy my own pointless curiosity, which way do you like to view the particles?  If you didn't know there were options, then go to settings and look at the graphics tab. 


Frankly, I don't  care much one way or another. Wish ...

Amending the poll.... :)


I've been playing with the default. I'll play around with the options later see how it affects it. However, I doubt it'll make a difference to me.
"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."


For a while, with enough firepower to stop a particle advance, Creepify made a mass of them look almost like Struc. The sheer number gave them enough inertia that it was a good description.

For colouring, shape shows that fairly well when you know the code. Doppels should be health-coloured constantly, though, I think. They're large enough that their speed is obvious, and it changes anyway.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


with all the new forum stuff. I sense a Demo coming on.  :D


I wonder if changing the default for the demo would cause a shift in the poll numbers...

Perhaps "I haven't changed the default" would be a good first option.
A narrative is a lightly-marked path to another reality.


I didnt like it, the first time I saw it in your video. Then I started playing, I thought I'd give it a chance. Forgot to ever mess with it and now, after 3 days of playing I'M SO USED TO IT, I can't see myself going back :P


I am used to it on it's default setting, so unlikely to change it, unless it suddenly makes everything slow down.


I tried them all and can't stop giggling at Discrete/Health. :D Looks like oxygen bubbles on blue side. Makes me want to make a map where there would be an epic clash of them like on the edge of lava flowing into ocean. :D
