Custom Map #3923: The Islands. By: Oblivion

Started by AutoPost, September 04, 2016, 01:22:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #3923: The Islands

Author: Oblivion
Size: 220x220

A casual map where it is totally unnecessary to hit every emitter, the inhibitor will do that for you. it is however, COMPLETELY NECESSARY to fire the singularity weapon into one of those emitter clusters. Just to see what happens. May rework this into something challenging in the future


Alright, so what exactly was supposed to happen upon firing singularity into one of the clusters? Other than sucking in the creeper, as usual?


Yeah I gave it a go too. Nothing happened. I guess if the creep builds up enough and you hit it hard then the creep will turn into AC, this happens at a certain point.